First, An April Announcement

We’re super excited today to announce the first ever Sonny Joon PC Adventure title,

The Spacey Adventures of Sonny Joon

Those of you who don’t know the world-class artist and conspiracy theorist, hints of his exploits can be found in many of our previously released Nancy Drew titles, such as Danger by Design or Ransom of the Seven Ships. You may even have his wallpaper on your desktop. This year we thought it would be a great idea to take Sonny from out of the shadows and give him his own game. With his knowledge of aliens and love of KoKo Kringle he’ll travel the stars in search of adventure and fun!

What can you expect in the Sonny Joon Adventure Series? Well you’ll get to play with fantastical creatures, escape from mundane desk jobs, and create your very own doodles in Sonny’s travel journal. We’ll be bringing Sonny’s world right into your PC! Who knows what kind of trouble he’ll get into next!

Hope you have Happy April Fool’s Day!*


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22 responses to “First, An April Announcement”

  1. Jen says:

    Hi 5 team Hotchkiss!!! That is great! Oh, the ‘feral bees’ quote, that’s Quigley Kim!!!
    Send a message back!

  2. Rose says:

    Is this for real or an April fools gag??

  3. awesome! I’m very excited and will totally buy the game!

  4. yunamyhero2 says:

    You really should make a Sunny Joon game!!!!

  5. Anonymous says:

    If this is just an April Fool’s joke, you really should make that game. I would totally buy it.:)

  6. Anonymous says:

    Hahahaha! Good one 😀

  7. Anonymous says:

    Awesome! I love Sonny Joon! lol 😀

  8. Anonymous says:


  9. Wendasaurus says:

    Is this an April Fools joke? =P

  10. Anonymous says:

    Wow! I’ve played Danger by Desin and never knew how Sonny was. It will fun to have a new PC series out the is made from! I hope it is as fun as Nancy Drew:)

  11. Anonymous says:

    Is there really going to be a Sonny Joon game??

  12. Anonymous says:

    I was so close to believing this!This is better than the google Topeka April Fools!

  13. Anonymous says:

    is this an april fools joke??????????????????????????????

  14. Anonymous says:

    so cool! i will buy it!

  15. Anonymous says:

    woooot! go sonny!

  16. Audrey says:

    This sound SO cool!!!! I’m defiantly going to get this!! 🙂

  17. Anonymous says:

    haha. nice joke. i actually believed it first time i saw it. 😀

  18. Anonymous says:

    Ha, Ha, Ha – Happy April Fool Day.

  19. this is an april fools!

  20. Anonymous says:

    Wait, so is this an April Fools prank or not? I’m confused. If it is, then, you guys are so funny!

  21. Anonymous says:

    Ohhhh… u really had me there! But really, I think a Sonny Adventure game is way overdue. Aliens and hijinks? Now that would be super fun.

  22. Novel_Sleuth says:


    Yeah, it was an April Fool’s joke. Although it has certainly gotten a positive response!

    – Novel –

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