A New Sleuth

Day 1: Whoo-hoo! Had a snowy start on my first day at Her Interactive, but would snow ever stop a sleuth from doing “sleuthy” things? Of course not, Nancy would not have it. I will say, though, the snow makes the world look so mysterious, it can hide large objects yet outline details with its sharp, contrasting color, and it makes the outdoors seem so quiet. It’s as if the snow is hiding many secrets.

Anyways, I’ve been getting the low-down on the inner workings here at HI from a more professional sleuth, discovering some secrets and learning how we do things here (this includes magic). A couple things I have learned from Nancy is to keep great notes, and to use a handy task list. I have full confidence that these highly developed skills from my detective training will help in my work. Hmm, I wonder what other Nancy skills I could use to make my work excellent…

~Little Jackalope~

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3 responses to “A New Sleuth”

  1. Nick says:

    Congratulations on your first post and 4 fabulous years with the Amateur Sleuth Blog LJ!

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