Pre-orders and Hidden Computers

Boy, oh boy! Today’s the last day to pre-order the special edition version of The Captive Curse (only the digital version is still available, the physical box has sold out). For those who ordered already, the games will be shipping this week, but the digital downloads will become available on the 28th. So who’s ready to play a new Nancy Drew game? 😀 We are super excited to hear your thoughts about this one!

I’ve been doing some exploring on other people’s computers (guilty snoop) looking for a bunch of files to use. I also went walking around and noticed that several computers that were usually on unused desks were no longer there! This was a mini-mystery that was solved in a matter of moments: our tech guy moved them all into one cubicle. My first creative thought was that the computers had mysteriously crept over there on their own to hide and avoid having to work (our computers work just as hard as we do) but of course there was a logical explanation = cleaning and organizing. A group of computers in one place is easier to wrangle up than when they are scattered around the office like bunch of Easter Eggs hiding in a game. Hm, having actual Easter Eggs in the office would be kind of fun…

Keep it real!
~Little Jackalope~

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7 responses to “Pre-orders and Hidden Computers”

  1. Random Nancy Drew Fan =D says:

    I bet you could really surprise your coworkers with Easter Eggs! So, have you started thinking about the Weekend Puzzle?

    Yours Truly,
    Ms. Random Nancy Drew Fan =D

  2. Random Nancy Drew Fan =D says:

    I forgot this in my other comment : I can’t wait to play The Captive Curse! It sounds so exciting and mysterious! But I just hope that Nancy Drew games aren’t heading to supernatural endings. I don’t like supernatural and I love ND games! I decided to wait because I like playing the ordinary versions. Sorry!

    Yours Truly,
    Ms. Random Nancy Drew Fan =D

  3. Anonymous says:

    I’m already waiting for the next Weekend Puzzle! Will this one be a contest too? Please! Please! Please!

    Also, I can’t wait for my Captive Curse to come (I pre-ordered it)! It’s going to be a lot of fun!

  4. Random Nancy Drew Fan says:

    What happened to Novel? ~_- I see that he used to do some of the blogging in 2009 and I think 2010. Now it seems that you, Little Jackalope, are our sole blogger — not that I’m complaining. You do it brilliantly! =) I was just curious…

    Yours Truly,
    Ms. Random Nancy Drew Fan =D

  5. Novel has moved on to greater adventures, and we will miss him dearly 🙁 But thanks for the compliment! I only hope to do as well as Novel did in his writing.:)

    As for the weekend puzzle: Yes I have been thinking about it. Sadly it won’t be a contest, but there will be something attached to it…just to make it more interesting. 😉

    I like when the games and books always have a logical explanation, but having that supernatural pressence (however fake) does add that thrill and suspense for me. XD

    ~Little Jackalope~

  6. Anonymous says:

    Dear Little Jackalope,
    First of all, thank you SO much for doing this blog! I have been playing ND games with my mom since I was 4. My first game was Message in a Haunted Mansion, and we have eagerly awaited every game! Our house is super excited at the moment as we received shipping notification for our game last night! We are literally counting the days! So, thank you, Thank You, THANK YOU!!!!! We love Nancy Drew! 😀 I was also wondering: Will you guys please send Nancy to Egypt? That would be so totally awesome!!
    ~ Ms. It’s Locked

  7. Ms. It’s Locked ~
    You’re welcome! I love this blog because I get to talk about everything Nancy Drew, ND Games, and what’s going on behind the scenes.

    MHM was your first? Mine too!
    I hope you enjoy The Captive Curse as much as you anticipate it. I believe it will be worth the anxious wait. 😉

    Nancy to Egypt? Hm, I like the sound of that! But we’ll have to wait and see what the future holds for Nancy. She has has many places in the world left to visit.

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