Locked Drawers Now Opened

Looks like the weekend puzzle was solved only yesterday on the message boards! Congrats for getting this one! Here’s the solution:

[Starting at the top left, select every other letter going down, and left-to-right. For starters, T, then two down is H, two down would be E.] Now circulating to the right would get you P, then I and so forth until you reach the last column. Go back to the first column at the second letter down (O) and continue until you have this: [The Pink Sands of Sangre Beach] Ta-da!

On to the secret matters:

Look what I dug up! If any of you have played Stay Tuned for Danger, you might recognize the infamous drawer that is forever locked. Well, I unlocked it! (The method is a secret one that can only be done at Her Interactive). I picked up the key that did not make it into the game and unlocked Mattie’s left desk drawer seen below:

It is a mystery why this was left out, perhaps to tease you, like it did me, but here are the contents. Voila! Fan letters to Rick Arlen:
Keep it real!
~Little Jackalope~

24 responses to “Locked Drawers Now Opened”

  1. CassidyPrincess says:

    Ah! This is so awesome. I always was confused by it and thought I missed something. Thanks for the secret and I LOVE YOUR GAMES!!!!!!!!! XD

  2. Random Nancy Drew Fan says:

    I often paused at that drawer trying to figure out where the key was. Those letters look familiar. I think if you check around other areas around that desk you can find those letters… but maybe I’m wrong. I haven’t played Stay Tuned For Danger in a long time.

    Yours Truly,
    Ms. Random Nancy Drew Fan

  3. Anonymous says:

    I just played Stay Tuned For Danger and thought it was weird that the drawer didn’t open:)I’m glad to know whats inside:)

  4. Anonymous says:

    Please tell me there’s going to be a Stay Tuned For Danger Remastered wherein this drawer would be open.?

  5. Anonymous says:

    It’s very interesting. But where should I select every other letter? In any letter? On the keyboard? Sorry for my mistakes. I’m not English.

  6. savoie says:

    Hello from Savoy !

    I’ve just ressuscitated my first computer to play Stay Tuned For Danger. There are so many details in this game, it is really wonderful … BUT I don’t manage to unlock Mattie’s drawer. HOW can I do it ? I found nothing about it on Internet, excepted this page.

    • Little Jackalope says:

      As mentioned in the post here, you can’t unlock it. 🙁 The key for this drawer didn’t make it into the game. I was able to open it since I can alter the logic system in our office while I play it. I wrote this post so that you can see what was in the drawer in the original design for the game. 🙂

      • savoie says:

        Thank you for your answer !
        So it is a programming issue … (I’m not able to do this)

        However, I hope that the programmers from Her Interactive will soon make a remastered version of this nice game, and maybe would they then unlock Mattie’s drawer !

  7. savoie says:

    Hello from Savoy !

    I’ve just ressuscitated my first computer to play Stay Tuned For Danger. There are so many details in this game, it is really wonderful … BUT I don’t manage to unlock Mattie’s drawer. HOW can I do it ? I found nothing about it on Internet, except this page.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I am wondering. The key that opens Mattie’s drawer, what does the icon look like?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Is there a chance that a patch can be made so the key will be able to appear in the game?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Unfortunately no. 🙁 This is why we shared this on the blog, so people can see it at least.

  10. ND ROCKS says:

    What is the letter T for on the top drawer?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      It was a part of a weekend puzzle a long time ago. It was a scavenger hunt and a letter was hidden here in this post. 😉

  11. Crazy ND fan says:

    When you say “I was able to open it since I can alter the logic system in our office while I play it.” What did you mean by that?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      It means we have the tools and the working build files to enter in the system. It can’t be done outside of our office.

  12. nancydrewfan says:

    Do you by chance know if the key was intentionally left out of the game or was it completely accidental? If it wasn’t an accident, do you know where it would have been located (where Nancy would of found it).

    • Little Jackalope says:

      I’m honestly not sure why it wasn’t in the game. But if it was, the key would have been located inside a vanity drawer in Mattie’s dressing room.

  13. Andrew Baldwin says:

    Is the key that opens the drawer still in the data files of the game?

  14. Unknown says:

    I did some looking about the desk key. It actually is in the game files. Well only in the CIFTREE.DAT.


    If you scroll down enough you should see something called:

    #define INV_MATTIE_DESK_KEY 16

    What I do not understand is if the desk key is in the CIFTREE.DAT why didn’t show up in the game?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi! I wasn’t around in the company back when this game was made, so sadly I do not have a real answer for you why this key was not included in the game. There could be a number of reasons! It remains a mystery. 🙂

  15. Emerald says:

    Hi LJ,

    I can’t read the letters because the pictures aren’t big enough and I can’t click on them to make them larger. Do you think you could write out what they say or make the pictures clickable so people can read the letters? Thanks.

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