Scrapbook and Collages

In many of the Nancy Drew games (#14-25) you can view Nancy Drew’s scrapbook of all her past cases. She has a collection of memorabilia, quotes, stickers, photos, and more on each page spread documenting her adventures and memories. Besides her scrapbook, Nancy also journals, as you can read in the games. She takes good notes, plenty of photos, and lots of evidence. Some things like names and phone numbers and passwords and flight numbers are good to keep track of, and Nancy does just that, and if we don’t see in her journal or cell phone, we know it’s in her mind.

Check out how one of our fans, Kelsey of Twitter, documented her cases: a poster collage of all sorts of Nancy Drew images and text! I’m honored to see some of my doodles mixed in. XD Thanks for sharing, Kelsey!

I also wanted to offer another shout out to birthday fan:
Happy belated birthday Krazy rabbit 23! Hope you had a great 12th birthday on Sunday!

~Little Jackalope~

Posted in: Birthday, Fan

7 responses to “Scrapbook and Collages”

  1. 🙂 I have two folders stuffed full with notes from when I first played a ND game, I decorated the fronts like Kelsey:)Awesome idea Kelsey!
    Happy birthday Krazy rabbit!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Cool collage! I wonder where she got all those pics?

    Anyway, I think it would be really cool to bring the scrapbook back! I loved it and, to be honest, the More ND button in TMB does not compare to the Scrapbook. Little J, do you know if they are going to bring the Scrapbook back?

    • Thanks! I had a lot of fun making it! I got most of the stuff on the collage from cutting up the boxes that the games come in, a few from the Internet, and I made a few of them too:)

  3. Oh! Thank you sooo much but if you look on my last post (I’m sorry to say) my birthday is in July, but thanks a bunch. You don’t know how happy I feel because I got a shout-out but it’s also really funny! 🙂
    ~Your loving Nancy Drew Detective, Krazy Rabbit 23

  4. Anonymous says:

    I have a small notbook that is organized into sections for each game. I’m working on Secret of the Scarlet Hand right now and my notes are crazy. (usually no one but me will understand what I’ve written) 🙂

    From me,

  5. Anonymous says:

    Hey Little J, my friend Sydney turns 13 on July 3rd and I wondered of you could give a shout out to her? She is a HUGE fan of Nancy Drew games (She is always playing one) and she loves your Blog A LOT!
    Thx in advance,

  6. Sidney White says:

    LOVE IT KELSEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sidney White

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