Weekend Puzzle #123 + 3 Videos!

It’s Friday, and we have a few videos to share with you! Check them out!

First of all, Phoenix interviewed Nancy Drew! Although since we don’t ever show Nancy Drew’s face in our games, all you see is Nancy’s silhouette. Take a listen:

And then Phoenix got to interview the voice actress of Nancy Drew: Lani Minella! Ahhh!!! Lani has been providing the voice for Nancy ever since our first game: Secrets Can Kill. Of course, since she is so very talented, she has also provided the voice from several other characters in the games, below is a short list:

Freddie Randall from The White Wolf of Icicle Creek
Loulou the parrot from Curse of Blackmoor Manor
Coucou the parrot from Ransom of the Seven Ships
The monster in The Captive Curse
Various voices in Alibi in Ashes around the River Heights map/town
Mille Strathorn in Stay Tuned for Danger
…and many more!

Here is Lani’s Interview:

Our third video is about Phoenix. Today was her last day and she wanted to say goodbye and answer a few questions you have asked her. She also provides some inspiring words for you. :’)

Goodbye Phoenix, my partner in crime! And good luck with your senior year in college! Stay Sleuthy!

On to your weekend puzzle (this one is only for fun and is not a contest). It contains a tip for inside our next game, The Deadly Device.

!( — % — @@ — % — !$ 
 !^ — ( — % — # — % — !( 

Good luck, and enjoy your weekend!
~Little Jackalope~

15 responses to “Weekend Puzzle #123 + 3 Videos!”

  1. Goodbye Phoenix! I wish you weren’t leaving:( I seriously cried when she started talking about persevering and believing in yourself. Lately ive been asking the question “Will I ever be able to work at HeR?” when I started working on animation, there was no question, I WAS going to. But things popped up and things got crazy. But Phoenix’s words have realize I’ll never get anywhere of I don’t try. So back to my laptop I go:)

  2. Anonymous says:

    Woo figured it out! Can’t wait for deadly device!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Solved it! Soooo excited for Deadly Device!

  4. Anonymous says:

    (singsong voice)
    i know the answer >:D

  5. Karen says:

    heh, I played Jack Keane games and she’s the pirate lady in the game, she’s hilarious!

  6. Ashley says:

    Is it seven pieces?

  7. MJ says:

    That is so cool how similar Lani’s regular voice is to the one she has to “act out” for Nancy’s. I’ll bet you can’t say the same for all of the characters she does in various other games.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I’m gonna miss Phoenix and all those videos I love so much. I enjoyed all these last interviews. Phoenix’s fisr game was also the first one I ever played! How cool. Is she gonna come back to work with you guys in the futer?

    From me,

  9. Anonymous says:

    I’m gonna miss Phoenix and all those videos I love so much. I enjoyed all the last interveiws. Phoenix’s first game was also my first game. How cool. Is she gonna come work with you guys in the futer?

    From me,

  10. ComicalCrafty says:

    NOOOO! This can be, Phoenix! Don’t leave us! I know all of us from the Nancy Drew fan community will miss you lots, and I hope that you will get a permanent job at HerInteractive someday!

    Good luck with your senior year at college!


    PS. You’re so lucky to have met Lani!

    PPS. Were you the Egg (Wo)man? 😀

  11. Teagpow says:

    I’m going to miss Phoenix!!

  12. Anonymous says:

    seven pieces?

  13. Anonymous says:

    Could you say happy birthday to my little sis Jessica? She will be 10 tomorrow, the 20th. Thanks!!!

  14. Poka says:

    Comeback next year Phoenix!

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