Her Interactive Christmas Video!!

Grr, yesterday’s post was set to a delay…It’s up now.

Hooray! We posted a new Christmas greeting video to our YouTube Channel today! After a week and a half of planning, organizing, writing, filming, editing, and graphic creating, the entire Her Interactive team finished putting this awesome video together! My original plan was to send you something really cool and secretive, but apparently somebody stepped in to change it up a bit. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thanks to everyone on the Her Interactive team for participating, and especially to Nik, our Writer, who wrote this script out and helped direct Megan and I. Thanks to our prod team including Rob who provided some sound effects, and to Megan and Jared for there impeccable critique.

Merry Christmas from Her Interactive!

Oh, and Happy belated 14th Birthday to Lydia!

~Little Jackalope~

14 responses to “Her Interactive Christmas Video!!”

  1. I less than three your new video! Ya’ll are so creative! ๐Ÿ˜€
    Thanks to everyone for helping make this video I enjoyed it a LOT!

  2. And happy birthday Lydia!

    Oh! Guess what I bought the other day?! A Gummy Bear bookmark!:D:D I really wanted this huge Gummy Bear that was about 30 pounds and $30, but who needs a 30 pound Gummy Bear;) I could send it to y’all and you each eat a piece:) Merry Christmas to everyone at Her Interactive!!

  3. Sheesh4 says:

    Were you actually literally planning on giving us secret information or was that just part of the video plot?

  4. Anonymous says:

    That was pretty funny!
    Any chance we’ll be getting that bit of secretive information in the near future? ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Anonymous says:

    Why do all these people wish harm upon Nancy?? Poor Ned! I can’t believe Megan ate all the Koko Kringles. I wanted another one of those!
    Hey,when all of you say Happy Holidays,who jumps in the background??

    From me,

  6. Anonymous says:

    Merry Christmas Herinteractive!!! I hate it when Nancy Dies and I have to do second chance. ): Oh, and I SOOOOOOOOOOOO want koko kringles!!!Pleeeeeeeeeasssse! And may the new year bring MORE SONNY JUNE!!!!!!!!!!!! I so want to meet him. He’s so funny!
    P.s. You almost ruiend my Christmas too, Meagan. ): (:

  7. Sidney says:

    That is so funny!!

  8. Anonymous says:

    You guys are crazy! But good crazy. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Happy Holidays Little Jackalope & all the other Blog readers!


  9. Anonymous says:

    SWEET! that was like… awsume! mind had been blown!

  10. Hannah says:

    Uh huh…. yesss! That’s right Megan! We are all dying to get our hands on a Koko Kringle bar! Forget the Lickie Loos! Whaa? YOU ATE THEM ALL? And you think we enjoy second chances? As Donal would say… “Have ya gone bloomin’ mad? What are ya daft?!”

    Little Jackalope, I really enjoyed this video. The humor was so fun! It must have taken ages to get together too. How long did everyone spend on it in total?

    Oh and where are the credits? Was that everyone who works there at Her Interactive because I don’t think I’ve ever seen or heard of some of them! Or I did and I just didn’t recognize them. I wish you could do credits… showing their face and then something like “starring in the Her Interactive Christmas Story… Megan (show her) Little Jackalope (show you)” and so on. Oh it would be so fun for us!

    It was nice of you to put it out during Christmas time for those who celebrate Christmas… but really your video didn’t turn out having much to do about Christmas at all! (Totally not your fault) It should be retitled “A Cat Has 9 Lives and So Does Nancy -Her Interactive Second Chance Video” LOL

    -Drew Detective (Hannah)

  11. Hannah says:

    P.S. I forgot to say, Megan’s green Chinese style jacket looked very elegant. And I didn’t mean to call her ‘daft’ in my last comment I was only joking. It wouldn’t have been the same without her in the video! So should she see what I wrote about her here I hope she doesn’t take it wrong.

    I must say though I was VERY disapointed at not getting to see what that paper/white board had written on it. Behind the scenes sneak peak sounded so GREAT! ๐Ÿ™

  12. Anonymous says:

    Merry Christmas to you too HerInteractive! I’ve recently started cleaning my house for the holidays and I’ve come upon some old poems about Nancy Drew games that I wrote when I was young(er). They might contain SPOILERS, but I wanted to share them with you so we could all laugh!

    -Ransom of the 7 Ships-
    Finding a lost treasure is nice
    But not if it’s based on lies
    Cuz something might look like a cat
    But instead it could be a rat!

    -Legend of the Crystal Skull-
    Only one man had the skull
    But he wasn’t at all dumb
    So he hid it safe and sound
    On his backyard’s holy ground.

    -White Wolf of Icicle Creek-
    When a wolf howls at the moon
    Some explosions just go boom.
    In his paw prints lies the clue
    To tell the lies from what is true.

    -Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake-
    Dogs are man’s best friend
    Up until the very end
    But some keep doing what they do
    Although they are dead too.

    There are poems for every game up to Ransom of the 7 Ships and each has a poem, but I didn’t want to bore you. Merry Christmas!

  13. I appreciate the Chanukah greeting, Little Jackalope. ๐Ÿ˜€

  14. Amy M. says:

    Hey Little Jackalope! I just would like to say Merry Christmas and I hope you and other HeR Interactive staff a happy holiday! I love the video! I love Nancy Drew too but I enjoy doing the second chances ๐Ÿ˜€

    Oh and I’m looking forward to your weekend puzzle! Every Friday, I think “It’s Weekend Puzzle Day!” since you always post the weekend puzzle up on Fridays ๐Ÿ™‚

    Happy holidays LJ and many other fans!
    ~ Amy

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