Pre-Order Ghost of Thornton Hall!

Whoo-hoo! Today is the first day you can pre-order Nancy Drew’s 28th adventure: Ghost of Thornton Hall! Oh, and watch the trailer we have been working on for a few weeks:

Wha-hoo! SO EXCITED to finally share this!! What do you think? Maybe, just maybe scarier than SAW? I’d describe it as “Beautifully intriguing”!

Aaaaaaand since today is the first day of pre-orders, we went ahead and clarified details if you have any questions. I’m going to celebrate with a cup of cocoa topped with whipped cream. Oh yeah, bringing out the good stuff!

It sure has been busy here in the office! The buzz around here is exciting, phones are ringing, the team is chattering, people watching the trailer, it’s hard to describe how exciting everything is!

There I go. I’m at a loss for words. I’m that excited.
~Little Jackalope~

14 responses to “Pre-Order Ghost of Thornton Hall!”

  1. The voice calling for “Jessie” who said, “This isn’t funny” sounded so much like the girl from the beginning of WAC….

    WOW – that ghost was SOOOO scary! Gosh, I think this will be the scariest game yet!

    Amazing trailer, LJ! Kudos to the entire HeR crew!

  2. Hannah says:

    I must say you really outdid yourself. And succeeded in frightening me. 0_0 I’m so scared I’ve decided to wait until it comes to my local store. (That way I can read reviews before buying) More masks for everybody else! LOL

  3. ND's #1 fan says:

    LLLLLOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVEEEEE THE TRAILER!!!!!!!!!!! It’s epic!!! (^_^) Can’t wait 2 get GTH!!!!!!
    -Nancy Drew’s #1 fan
    PS- LJ, the castle you mentioned in this blog post- … where’s that located? Thanks!

  4. ND's #1 fan says:

    Oh! forgot to ask, is Addison’s voice done by the girl who did Megan Vargas in WAC? In the trailer it sounds just like Megan!
    -ND’s #1 fan

  5. This is by far the BEST trailer you guys have made… You stunned me by how awesome it was. I still can’t believe how great it was,I just watched it for the 5th time today:) But this time it was in complete darkness alone… Yes, very spooky!
    The first time I watched it, I seriously almost closed my eyes at the end. I was so scared something was going to pop out!! I didn’t though, I forced myself to keep watching. I even began to quote the poem along with Nancy at the end. The end was SO EPIC!! Loved the animation too!:D Ah, I could go on and on about the trailer!
    I pre-ordered! Now, just to wait…
    One more thing about the trailer… hehe. I’m so glad you guys didn’t over exaggerate the southern accents like Savannah’s. I do know some people who talk like Savannah, but NOT everyone. I could barely tell they had one,which I think is right because they should sound the same as everyone here. They sound “normal” to me. So thank you!:D My friends and I figured you’d over exaggerate them.
    Oh oh oh! I got my first Hacky Sack the other day!:D I’ve been practicing a few moves for the future intense games at HI:) But at this rate, I’ll be receiving the Feathers of Shame and the Pink Boa of Shame… >.< haha!

  6. Anonymous says:

    I was wondering,is this game suitable for Christians?
    Also,I have never preordered before and was wondering if the
    20%/10% off for liking/sharing is valid on preorders?
    The trailor is awesome!One of my favorite parts was the end,when everyone says “fire so red night so black,dear sweet charlette,please come back”

  7. Anonymous says:

    WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I pre-ordered my GTH game yesterday!! I can’t wait!!!!!!! I LOVE THE TRAILER!!!!! It’s so real and creepy and I LOVE the graphics!!!! 😀
    I’m starting to think that maybe it’s Clara…. But I’m probably wrong! 😉


  8. Anonymous says:

    WOW!!! I”m SO EXCITED!!!!! My sisters and I are going to pre-order also, and I can hardly wait to play it!!!!! The trailer is AWESOME!!!!!!!!! SO spooky and mysterious!!! does anyone else think that Charlotte Ann’s ghost is actually really pretty? For a ghost, of course.


    P.S. My friend’s Birthday is tomorrow, could you give her a shout out, LJ? Her name is Leah and she’s turning 14!

  9. Anonymous says:

    Dear little jackalope how much is shipping to Ireland.

  10. Yesterday, I preordered the game. But I remembered that I was having a hard time ordering it over the phone. I called and some lady that sounded like she didn’t speak good english, she had no idea what she was talking about. She told me that the preorders didn’t start till midnight as of the 9th O_O? And then I asked her “Well wouldn’t that make it the 10th then?” I called a different number and then I actually sorted everything out and I got my order all set in place. And I think they told me that I get a free strategy guide with that, even though I made a physical purchase of the game?(; You guys are awesome, I can’t believe how much more I do after I just typed this. And YES, I did see the trailer, and I’ll just tell you, that I think I pissed in my pants. TMI. But it was the best trailer I’ve ever seen from you guys. Love you all xx♥

  11. Anonymous says:

    Maybe Jessalyn is Charlotte’s biological daughter and when Charlotte dies/disappeared Clara adopted her, because the next living relative (Harper) was considered to be crazy.

    And maybe Jessalyn found out: “imagine having a secret for that long and having nobody listen to you” (~trailer) and she went in search of her real mother’s faith, because she was already at the manor for the pre-wedding celebration, but she stumbled across something about Charlotte’s killer/kidnapper and that’s why she disappears too… Just a thought…

  12. Anonymous says:

    awesome job on the trailer! Hope I can say the same about the game 😉

  13. Anissa says:

    thursday is my birthday im turning 12

  14. Everyone — Thanks for all the great compliments on the trailer! We are glad you enjoyed it and hope the game lives up to your expectations and that you enjoy it when you get to play!

    @Anonymous – This game is not as “dark” spiritually as MHM or CUR or CRY was, it’s much cleaner, I promise. 🙂 And no, promo codes do not apply to pre-orders.

    @Anissa – Noted!

    @Anonymous — Nice theory! Let’s see how close you are to the real game…!

    @ Shainnen Somerville — You probably called Digital River, next time you have a question about ordering, be sure to call our main number, our tech girl doesn’t have an accent, but ou customer service support has a southern one! They are both really awesome and can help. 🙂

    And yes, since you ordered from us directly, you will be getting a free digital strategy guide!

    @Anonymous/Ireland – Check out our FAQ page on our site for international ordering information. 😉

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