Weekend Puzzle #194

If you are following along with the “scary games” marathon, we are finishing up Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake tonight and playing through Curse of Blackmoor Manor this weekend, woot! Has anyone finished DOG already for this week? I’m still working on it tonight. XD

rail fence

We have a bit of urgent news, we are already running low on the physical Ghost of Thornton Hall BONUS EDITION! (If you have already pre-ordered yours, or if you plan on pre-ordering the digital version, no worries!) Best act quick if you had your heart set on having the box to put on your shelf.

Time for your weekend enjoyment, besides the game marathon, I challenge you to solve this puzzle related to GTH. Enjoy!

Have a great weekend, sleuths!
~Little Jackalope~

14 responses to “Weekend Puzzle #194”

  1. ND's #1 fan says:

    Hey LJ… could you please give me a spoiler/hint for the ice floe puzzle in ICE? I’m replaying it for my marathon but can’t get past that puzzle! I’ve played a ZILLION times! (and sadly, the boards weren’t any help either…) I thought since you worked there maybe you could give some insider info? ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks in advance! “Hasta la Pasta!” -ND’s #1 fan (lol replayed MHM and heard that quote and it cracked me up for some reason… it also made me hungry for chicken alfredo lol) (^_^)

  2. I’m so glad to hear GTH is almost sold out!!!:D:D I don’t think we’ve had a bonus edition sell out in a while have we?

    There was a painting in a beach house I stayed in once. It was of a harbor, one of the boats having the nautical flags:) I immediately looked up a list on my iPod and tried to translate the flags… Only to find out the flags were jibberish. But hey, I tried!!:D

  3. That’s so crazy how GTH bonus edition copies are running low now. Either means that a lot of people ordered them. And I solved the puzzle. It’s “hidden passageway”. Maybe a hidden passayway to the cellar? Or to Jessalyn? Or a meet up with the ghost? Sounds exciting! Oh but I see a hidden phrase here, it says “rail fence”. A rail fence that will LEAD UP to a secret passageway? Or just something that contains many dark secrets? Sounds like an interesting plot line LJ, can’t wait to find more next week! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Anonymous says:

    Will GTH still be available to buy in stores?

  5. Anonymous says:

    So I heard via the message boards that you guys are NOT going to sell the physical games in stores like Target and Walmart. Is this real? Please please don’t go all downloads!!!

    Dedicated Nancy Drew Gamer

  6. ND's #1 fan says:

    rail fence…….. rail fence CIPHER maybe?????????????? tell us, LJ, tell us! ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Serge Hanna says:

    ARGH! 23 more days! And what’s more, My 16th birthday is on the 12th so…I don’t mind a late birthday present (i kid i kid)

  8. Anonymous says:

    rail fence? whaaaa?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Okay, Little J, this is KILLING me. Is GTH going to be all in one night, or what? Do you think you could tell us???

  10. Anonymous says:

    rail fence? hmmmmm… maby their’s something inportant on a rail fence in GOTH!

  11. ND's #1 fan says:

    “HIDDEN PASSAGES”?!?!?!!??!!?!?
    Hopefully that means another game with lots of hidden passageways!!!!
    (^_^) Those things are the bestest things ever! ๐Ÿ™‚ -ND’s #1 fan
    PS- when I was on kidrex, (a safe-for-kids search engine) out of curiosity i typed in Nancy Drew and whadda’ya know?!? HerInteractive.com was 1st on the list! ๐Ÿ˜€ To quote Ned in WAC, “You just had to throw that in, didn’t you.” lol i <3 that game! one of my favorites! ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. @ND’s #1 fan — First off, I’m terribly distracted now with Chicken Alfredo…I’ve gotta make that now! XD Unfortunately the Ice Flow puzzle is a toughy. You need to figure out which ice flow you need to hop on to make the one by the coat show up. Keep at it! You’ll get the hang of it!

    @Future HeR Animator — Jibberish flags?! For shame! I’m sure you could have made a better message with those flags than the artist who posted them for visual appeal. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    @Shainnen Somerville — It IS crazy that we are selling out so fast of the BONUS EDITION! But we are excited because this means everyone else is excited for this game! (Yes, lots of people want that box for their shelf, I think that’s why we are selling out of them so fast.)

    @Anonymous — We will continue to sell the Digital game for the rest of the pre-orders time (until May 13), but the BONUS EDITION physical box is going quickly. Once the game is launched on the 14th of May, we will be selling the original version, as well as the stores.

    @Dedicated Nancy Drew Gamer – This is a rumor that is only half-true. we will continue to sell the games in stores, of course. We will also keep selling the physical versions on our site as well, so if you can’t find them in your store, you’ll know we have them, until we run out. :-/

    @~R — I suppose I could clue you in…Nancy will be resting a few times…but tough to say this is a single night or not. You will not ever play in the daytime, just night.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Thankssssss!!!!!!! I appreciate it!

    How funny someone signed just like I did right after me but with a Z… It wasn’t me! ๐Ÿ™‚


  14. HopeFollows says:

    Wow, I didn’t see the “rail fence” until someone messaged it. Then when I looked at the letters I got from the flags, I realized it had to be a rail fence decipher like in White Wolf. ๐Ÿ˜€ Thank you, Jackalope.

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