Playing Nancy Drew

We posted another wise saying today on our social media sites:

Isn’t it nice when you happen to have a key at just the right moment you approach a locked drawer, compartment or door?

It looks like you super sleuths are hard at work trying to solve last weekend’s puzzle. I’m rather surprised that nobody has correctly listed all the correct answers in a single comment or post on the Message Boards.

Need a hint or two? Here’s a nudge on a couple: [#2 is not from TOT or WAC.] And second hint: [#10 is not an older game, it’s newer…like last from the last 8 or so.] I’ll give you another day to work it out and see if you can’t identify those tricky ones.

Good luck detectives!

~Little Jackalope~

11 responses to “Playing Nancy Drew”

  1. Anonymous says:

    We already figured out what number two and number ten are. We need help on 7, 9, and 14!!!

  2. Anonymous says:

    I love the new icon. How do you get an internship at HeR Interactive? It will be a long time before I will need a job, but I’m just curious.


  3. Oh!! Oh!! Oh!! 10 is from CAP!!:D:D I’m right aren’t I? Lol I’m still working on #2:)

  4. Anonymous says:

    2 is SAW and 10 is CAP, those were the only two I knew!

  5. ND's #1 fan says:

    LOL I LOVE IT!!!! That is pure awesomeness. Since my favorite quote is “It’s Locked!” that goes along perfectly 🙂
    PS- just found a dress that looks SO much like the one on Nancy from the Secret of the Old Attic! I can’t wait until it gets washed so I can get out my magnifying glass and start sleuthing lol 🙂

  6. Anonymous says:

    Hey Little Jackalope, is it possible that ND #30 will not take place in New Zealand, but on a cruise heading to New Zealand?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Ok this is what I think the answers are!
    1. TRT
    2. CAP
    3. DOG
    4. HAU
    5. CLK
    6. CUR
    7. DAN
    8. ICE
    9. CAR
    10. DED
    11. TRN
    12. CRY
    13. DDI
    14. MSM
    15. GTH<3


  8. horselover23 says:

    #1 -The Captive curse
    #2 Shadow at the water’s edge
    #3 Ghost dogs of moon lake
    #4 Castle Malloy
    #5Ghost dogs of moon lake
    #6 Legend of the Crystal skull
    #9Stay tuned for Danger
    #11 Secret of the old clock
    #12 Legend of the Crystal skull
    #13Secrets can kill?
    #14 Curse of Blackmoor Manor
    #15The Captive Curse?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Hey LJ, Just played GTH but I already can’t wait for the next one. The teaser trailer really got me interested. Can you tell us when you think it’s going to come out?

  10. @Lee — To get an internship at Her Interactive, keep an eye out for the job posting on our web site. We haven’t made any plans to offer one this year, yet, so the page would be empty.

    @Future HeR Animator – You are correct!

    @ND’s #1 fan — Ooo! Can you take a picture of yourself posing in that dress just like on the cover of that book and send it to us? That would be so cool to see! If you are up for it, email it to and mention Little Jackalope!

    @Anonymous – It is possible that ND#30 could take place on a cruise ship to New Zealand…but we aren’t revealing any details, yet. 😉

    @JOY77 – You’ve got 3 correct…12 more to go!

    @horselover23 — You have 8 correct. 😀

  11. ND's #1 fan says:

    @LJ- I might just do that… 🙂
    that would be fun! I do have a couple pictures I want to e-mail…
    we’ll see 🙂

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