Game Freezes or Crashes during Gameplay

If your game locks up or crashes during gameplay, or if the game does not start after clicking on the shortcut icon, it may not have installed correctly.

Uninstalling and reinstalling the game will usually resolve this problem. Use the Uninstall Tool in the game folder, or if this is not available, uninstall from the Control Panel.

If given the option to Modify, Repair or Remove, choose Remove.

After uninstalling the game, verify all game folders have been removed from your computer. Any remaining game folders will be in one of the following locations (depending on the game title and your operating system):

Windows Vista/Windows 7: ‘Documents’ folder (C:UsersUsernameDocuments)
Windows XP: ‘My Documents’ folder (C:Documents and SettingsUsernameMy Documents)
C:Nancy Drew
C:Program FilesNancy Drew

Delete any remaining game folders in these locations and then empty them from the Recycle Bin on your desktop. Once this is done, reinstall the game as usual. For additional help on installing games, please click here.



27 responses to “Game Freezes or Crashes during Gameplay”

  1. Nikki says:

    So what do I do if uninstalling and reinstalling the game doesn’t fix the problem of the game not starting after clicking the icon?

  2. sarah says:

    bonjour, j’ai acheté ce jeu il y a quelques jours et au moment de jouer au swap a lot, le jeu se ferme sans explication d’un configuration est à jour. de plus je joue à partir du dvd car je n’ai aucune option d’installation et de désinstallation! que dois je faire ?

  3. Beth says:

    I’m playing Danger on Deception Island on a new laptop with Windows 10. I bought all of the Nancy Drew games up thru 25 back when they came out and just started playing them again, from 1 onwards. I’ve been able to play them all except for Stay Tuned for Danger which kept stopping with an error early in the game play. Now I’m encountering an error in DDI that says “Unable to open file E:\CDVideo\GEA_StepUpC.AVF” and then shuts the game down. I’ve tried doing other things in the game thinking if I come to that point from a different lead up that it will avoid the problem, but nothing works. I was hoping to find a patch on here that might solve it, but I don’t see any reference to it. Any ideas?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Beth, please contact us at so we can help you further, thank you!

      • Beth says:

        I sorted it out myself. I ended up uninstalling all of the games and deleting everything to do with them, then when I reloaded DDI, I made a folder for it in advance and saved it to that and everything worked fine. I’ve played SSR since then doing the same thing with no problems & now I’m on the Blackmoor Manor game with no problems, so I think making the folder in advance is definitely the solution. But thanks for responding.

  4. Jan Winsley says:

    I’ve bought Ghost of Thornton Hall for my iPad and the game freezes when I click on Clara to talk to her the second time. Help, please.

  5. Madi says:

    Just installed an old Ghost dogs of moon lake disc on an old laptop in my family’s house. The gameplay was going great but everytime I go down to the cellar the game crashed. Any ideas? Could the disc be scratched?

  6. Leila says:

    I have Nancy drew for the iPad. My game keeps freezing and not letting me go to the second statue where the secret graves are. Very annoyed as I paid for the game.

  7. Paelwi says:

    The Ghost of Thornton Hall game crashes upon opening on my iPad.

  8. Lindsey says:

    I downloaded and installed Midnight in Salem on my Mac OS X but when the game opens, I only get a black screen, some music, “dare to play”, and then it crashes. I’ve already sent an email, but is there anything I can do in the meantime?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Lindsey! While you wait for a response from our tech support, take a look at your computer system details and compare with the game’s requirements. Tech support will likely ask you for those to make sure the game can work. If you are ever able to reach the main menu, try adjusting the game resolution to a lower setting.

  9. Cassidy says:

    What do I do if when I press my name on my saved game and it exits the whole game back to my home screen on my computer?

  10. Kayla says:

    I have ghosts of Thornton hall on my iPad and it keeps freezing frequently. I have went in and out of the program to restart it and my current game is still frozen. I am frustrated as I like this game but it does not do well on my iPad

  11. Natalija says:

    Hello, I contacted support via email, but maybe I can do somwthing in the meantime. I bought Warnings at Waverly Academy off Steam and I try and play the game but it crashes after a while. Or even immediately, if I try and click on the window in Nancy’s rokm in the academy. Any help would be very appreciated. 🙂

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Natalija! That sounds like a new issue to me, so it might be a problem with Steam. We’ll keep an eye out for your email!

  12. Carolann Webb says:

    I Purchased the ghost of Thornton hall from my iPad. There were several spots where the game crashes almost all the time. Other than that, it just crashes fairly frequently and I have to restart it or it will automatically restart me. Is there anything that I can do about this because it’s basically unplayable.

    • Carolann Webb says:

      Finally got through after restarting literally at least 30 times. Now I’m frozen at the door in the tunnels (I’ve been inside once). Every time I restart I can’t even do one thing before it locks up. Why did you even release this for IPad? It clearly doesn’t work.

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Carolann! This could be a compatibility issue. Would you please email us at for additional details? Thanks!

  13. Lindsay says:

    I recently downloaded Treasure in the Royal Tower for my niece and she has been loving it! We’ve played the game several times already. However, tonight when I clicked on the icon to play, the opening credits appeared but then the game immediately crashed. I have tried to open the games several times now and have even restarted my computer to see if that helps but nothing has changed. I’m completely unable to open the game. Any suggestions or ideas on what has changed?

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