Weekend Puzzle #236

Who all pre-ordered their copy of The Shattered Medallion already? For those who have their heart set on getting a physical copy, I suggest pre-ordering as soon as possible. We don’t have very many left!


Once we run out, we will announce it. When that happens, we switch to standard edition for the physical pre-orders. Mark your calendars! The game ships on or around May 13th, and if you pre-ordered the digital version, you get to download on the 13th. (When it gets closer to that day, we will let you know what exact time you can login and start downloading.)

Who’s joining me on the Nancy Drew marathon this weekend? This weekend we play Tomb of the Lost Queen. Why? Because there is a big Sonny Joon reference in there. (S.P.I.E.D.)

Here’s the weekend puzzle (shift 3):

Vrqqb Mrrq kdv vhfuhwv

We have some birthdays!

blog_Birthday_Abigail blog_Birthday_Elanamay

-Little Jackalope

15 responses to “Weekend Puzzle #236”

  1. Adriana says:

    I definitely preordered, and I definitely can’t wait to meet Sonny Joon and see George again. By the way, I was wondering if you could give me a birthday shout out on May 6th when I’ll be turning 16. Please and Thank you!

  2. Abigail says:

    Awe, thank you so much for that birthday shout out! I was so excited to see it, and now I have the image saved to my computer. ๐Ÿ™‚ I was by myself for a lot of the day, but I spent a good portion of it playing ASH on Senior Detective, which was something that I had never done before. ๐Ÿ™‚ It was a great way to celebrate!

  3. Isis4ever says:

    I’ve pre-ordered my copy of the digital version! I’m always too cheap to pay for postage, and too impatient to wait for the physical edition, so I make my own backup CD. Only eleven days left – can’t wait!


  4. Sam says:

    I pre ordered! does watching arglefumph play TMB count?

  5. Sam says:

    How exactly do I do the weekend puzzle? What is shift 3?

  6. Sheesh4 says:

    I pre-ordered! So excited! ๐Ÿ˜€

  7. Abby says:

    Hey, could you do my birthday? Mine’s on the 14th of August. My 12th birthday. Thanks!

    P.S. The game I own is Alibi in Ashes. Good work, Herinteractive!!!!

    • Little Jackalope says:

      I will put it on my calendar! Also, if you liked Alibi in Ashes, I’d recommend playing The Silent Spy, next. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. Fireatone2430 says:

    So, what is the deal with this game. Is Sonny up to something or what? Sonny Joon is becoming more and more a mystery. Sonny Joon has secrets. Secrets of what? So many questions. Oh well, i just have to wait. This game is going to be weird though.

  9. Fireatone2430 says:

    On the other hand, thats what Nancy Drew is all about. Just like in the Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon, Nancy says, pipes and more pipes. Well, in saying, Secrets and more secrets and naturally more secrets. So much suspense.

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