Counting the Lies

Here in the Her Interactive office today, we have had a bit of excitement. After several weeks of beautiful, hot sunny weather, we have a sudden down pouring of rain. Here is a mild picture of what it looks like out our windows right now, but earlier it was torrential!

Before: Her Interactive in the summer


Today: A view from a Her Interactive window… Rain


It was raining so hard that water was starting to pour into one of the artist’s windows, and there are a few leaks in the roof. Someone will be coming by to check it out.

Anyways, we are busying away with Labyrinth of Lies, getting ready for build good enough to play through and send to our regular testers. I’m playing the game to count and record all the second chance sequences, and all other things that we need to submit to ESRB to get the game rated. Also, we are still working on the official cover art.

We haven’t said much about the game so far, because we are still working on the description, character bios and are still waiting for the art to be finalized to gather for some fun screenshots.

We have a birthday!


-Little Jackalope

12 responses to “Counting the Lies”

  1. Sam Powell says:

    The game is comingout in October right? Anyway, I cant wait! The character bios and cover art don’t normally get released until a month before the game comes out,do they?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      The desktop icon is often first, then the cover art, then game characters and screenshots come out around the pre-order period sometime this fall. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Max says:

    When will you guys release more info on LIE?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Like I said in the post, we won’t be releasing any info until we finish writing and collecting the game info. ๐Ÿ™‚ We are still working on the game.

  3. Hadley says:

    You guys are lucky its raining! in California we are having a drought…what I wouldn’t give for a little bit of rain ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. ND's #1 fan says:

    Cool! I’m so excited for LIE!! ๐Ÿ˜› It rained a little bit here in the Midwest too…but your guys’ office still looks nice even in the rain!! ๐Ÿ˜€

  5. Erika says:

    Aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Why do you have to tease us so!!!!! I’m antsy with inpatients!!!!! *sigh* I don’t know how much more I can’t take….

  6. Olivia says:

    Happy Birthday, Janice! I hope you have a great day. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Looking forward to playing Shattered Medallion – have been moving, so haven’t had time yet. I’m excited to hear there’s a name for the next one already!

    May I have a birthday shoutout this year? My birthday is August 25th, and I’ll be 25!

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