Favorite Game, On a Shirt!

Fan Rachel went into our merchandise store, designed a T-shirt…


And took a picture of it when she received it. She was super excited for her shirt to arrive (featuring cover art from The Phantom of Venice)!


I’ve been working on some merchandise store image planning these past few weeks. Intern Dahlia created some images lately and I’m preparing them for the store now. Actually, I already have one of them up: (Click on the image for a larger view. It says “Hi five, Team Hotchkiss!”)


What do you think? Would you ever wear a “Team Hotchkiss” shirt from Treasure in the Royal Tower? LOL! 😀

Many of you successfully unscrambled the anagram puzzle from this weekend! Congrats! It is a quote from Labyrinth of Lies:

“I don’t see a “you must be this old to solve a crime” sign anywhere!”

-Little Jackalope

3 responses to “Favorite Game, On a Shirt!”

  1. jadyn says:

    I would so wear that shirt! 🙂

  2. Angela says:

    Team Hotchkiss. I can just hear her exclaiming the name out loud and mispronouncing Nancy’s name. 😛

  3. Anne says:

    Anybody with me on guessing that Nancy is the author of that quote? 🙂

    Oh my gravy, I cannot believe there’s a Prof. Hotchkiss shirt!!!! How awesome is that??? Great job, LJ!

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