Working on the LIE Trailer

Yesterday I focused entirely on the official trailer for Labyrinth of Lies. It will premiere on YouTube on Tuesday, September 9th when pre-orders begin. *Gasp!* That is only 5 days away…


I don’t have much time to finish it, then! But I do a have a moment to spare today to tell you a little about it. πŸ˜‰ Working on the trailer often starts out hard… we need to have a good idea of what the story is about first, then brainstorm ways to tell that story using narrative voices and visuals, without giving the entire mystery away… and still make it look awesome and intriguing.

There are different styles of video trailers out there, and while our games have a consistent theme of mystery and adventure, we sometimes tell their stories differently. Here’s a screenshot of my early stages of editing the game play content in my editing program, Premiere:


I have a challenge for you! With only 5 days to go until the premiere of the LIE Trailer, pick your top 5 video trailers and watch one each day until Tuesday, starting now. We can video marathon!

We have some birthdays to celebrate!

Birthday_Kalli Birthday_Ivy

-Little Jackalope

19 responses to “Working on the LIE Trailer”

  1. NANCYGEEK says:

    Yay! im SUPER excited! wait when are the character profiles coming out? soon i hope!

  2. Will L. says:

    Ooh! I can’t wait for the trailer! I love that! I also love making and editing videos/trailers like that, so that looks really interesting! My favorite trailers would be CAP, ASH, DED, GTH, and SPY! Sometimes, just watching the trailers over again makes me as excited for that game as when it originally came out, LOL.

  3. SpyGirl says:

    I’d say my top 5 official trailers are (in no particular order):
    The Deadly Device
    The Silent Spy
    Alibi in Ashes
    The Shattered Medallion
    White Wolf of Icicle Creek
    I love watching official trailers! Which are your top five, LJ?

  4. Emma says:

    Uh oh. “while our games have a consistent theme of mystery and adventure, we sometimes tell their stories differently.” Does this mean LIE will be another game with not much mystery? πŸ™

  5. Lynn says:

    Super excited!!!!

  6. ND's #1 fan says:

    Yay yay YAY!!!!!!!!!!! I’m SOOOO excited for the trailer it’s not even funny. I think my top 2 trailers would be SPY and GTH… CAP third… HAU forth… and, WAC fifth πŸ˜›

  7. MysticalGirl08* says:

    Awesome sauce!!! I can’t wait!!! πŸ˜€ what about you, Miss LJ, what would your favorite trailers be, and ]do they coincide with your top games?? πŸ™‚ ~* ^u^

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Personally, I really liked the game SPY the best, then GTH is my second fave. But I liked GTH’s trailer best of all.

  8. Angela says:

    Yay, the trailer is coming soon. Can’t wait.

  9. Hadley says:

    OMG I can’t wait!!!!!!!!! Hopefully this game will be more exciting then the last two games…those were kinda a bummer πŸ™

  10. Tiffany says:

    Ahhh!! I can’t wait!!!
    That is so cool that you get to help make the trailer!
    Your job sounds awesome! What other trailers have you worked on?
    What are your top 5 trailers? My favorite are: MHM, ICE, WAC, SAW, and SPY. You are so awesome LJ!


    • Little Jackalope says:

      I got to work on TMB, GTH, SPY, and MED. I helped a little on DED, though – that was me playing the game to capture the footage. πŸ™‚

      I’m a little bias, I really liked GTH and SPY’s trailers. XD

      • Tiffany says:

        That is so cool that you got to work on those trailers!
        When do you start working on the trailers? A couple of weeks or months? Thanks for taking the time to answer our comments! πŸ™‚

  11. Taylor says:

    Making a trailer looks harder than it sounds! I would love to work at Her Interactive!

  12. Lauren says:

    I can’t wait for the trailer to come out! It sounds like its a lot of fun to make.
    I was wondering if I could have a birthday shout out on the 11th! I’m turning 17!
    Also for Natalia on the 17th. she’s turning 15!

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