Nancy Drew: #2 Stay Tuned for Danger – Installation

Stay Tuned for Danger Digital Installer Instructions

Make sure you’re logged on as an Administrator for your computer, temporarily disable your anti-virus protection (be sure to re-enable your anti-virus protection after the game download is complete).

In order to install the digital download of Stay Tuned for Danger (STFD) the following steps will need to be taken, in addition to the installation steps.

1. Create a new folder under: C:\Program Files (x86)\Her Interactive and label it STFD.
2. Double-click the “StFDSetup.exe” to start the unpacker.
3. Click “Next” to begin.
4. Click “Next” to continue, do not change install path.
5. Click “Next” to continue, do not check desktop icon box.
6. Click “Install.”
7. Wait for installation to complete.
8. Click “Finish” to close the unpacker and launch the game installer.

Note: Users with UAC on will see the warning message that Setup.exe (game installer) is from an unknown publisher, if you see this warning message click “Yes” to continue.  After clicking “Yes” it can take upwards of twenty minutes for installation to proceed.  To avoid this, turn UAC off, reboot your computer, and proceed with installation.  If you need instructions on turning UAC off, please email


1. Click “Install Stay Tuned for Danger” to begin.
2. Click “Next” to continue until you are prompted to choose a destination location.
3. Click “Browse” to open the directory window.
4. Change the default path to C:\Program Files (x86)\Her Interactive\STFD
5. Continue forward with the installation process. When asked if you want to install DirectX, check “No, I will install myself.”
6. Upon completion, click “Finish and exit setup.”

You may also need to run in compatibility mode:

1. Right-click the game icon that is now on your desktop, select ‘Properties.’
2. Under ‘Properties’, click on the ‘Compatibility’ tab.
3. Check the ‘Run in Compatibility Mode’ box and then select ‘Windows XP Service Pack 3’ or ‘Windows 98/Me’ from the drop-down menu.

Note: this installer does not create a desktop shortcut; if you would like a desktop shortcut, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Her Interactive\STFD. Locate the application file (Game.exe), right-click, hover over ‘Send To’ and select ‘Desktop’ (create shortcut).

If, after installing, you receive a sound engine error, see the below steps.

Resolving the Nancy Drew Sound Engine Error

The issue pertains to the driver for the audio device in your computer. At this time, it seems to only affect “integrated” sound cards; it does not appear to affect after-market sound cards that can be added internally or externally to a computer.

To help identify whether you are using “integrated” sound, locate the wiring from your computer speakers and follow it back to where it plugs into your computer. If the speaker cable plugs directly into the computer with connectors that looks like those pictured below, you are using an “integrated” audio device.


If you trace the speaker cable back to a connection that looks like it sits in a slot similar to the picture below, then you likely have an after-market “add-on” sound card.

free standing

The sound error arises when a Nancy Drew game launches and it looks for the sound card drivers; some integrated sound card drivers are incompatible and will result in an error.

There are several possible fixes for this issue –

  • First, update the sound driver for your existing audio device. Be sure to reboot your computer after updating the driver then try your game again. If that does not resolve the issue, you can try the next step.
  • Add or Replace the audio device in your computer.

There are several external USB sound cards available, that are very inexpensive, that can help resolve this issue as well as provide additional sound configuration options for your computer.

In addition to updating the sound card drivers or adding/replacing a sound card, you may need to right-click on the game icon or desktop shortcut, select properties, click the compatibility tab and change it to Windows XP Service Pack 3 or Windows 98/Me, at the bottom of the window check the “Run as Administrator” box, and apply the settings.

If you have multiple sound cards, it may also help to disable any onboard sound cards or other sounds cards on the computer. To locate the sound card(s) right-click the sound icon sound icon in the task tray, select sounds, select the Playback Tab. Alternately, you can open the Control Panel, select “Hardware and Sound.” Under “Sound” select “Manage audio devices” (or Sound).  Under the Playback tab, right-click on any sound device that you would like to disable and select “Disable.”  The same process is used if you add or change a sound card, except you will select “Set as Default Device” after right-clicking on the new sound card/device.

For additional information, please email










126 responses to “Nancy Drew: #2 Stay Tuned for Danger – Installation”

  1. PAULINE says:

    It says “2. Double-click the “StFDSetup.exe” to start the unpacker” which is where?

  2. jordan says:

    Will this be available for mac?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Jordan! Sadly we didn’t make this game Mac-compatible. Sorry! We suggest you try Virtual PC or a product called Boot Camp from Apple.

  3. Allison Dozier says:

    After I’ve done the first part of the game, the actual installation for the game didn’t pop up. I know you said to look for setup.exe in the Stay Tuned for Danger folder but I can not find it. What do I do?

  4. Sam says:

    I actually still have the CD. Do I need to purchase the digital copy anyway?

  5. Jessica says:

    Are we able to download this re-release if we are Mac users? I have a MacBook Pro.

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hello, Jessica! The re-release of Stay Tuned for Danger is only for Windows. However, there are several programs you can download onto your Mac (like Virtual PC, Apple Boot Camp, and Wineskin to name a few) that should allow you to play PC games on your Mac.

  6. Maya Watercutter says:

    The game downloaded, but whenever I try to play it it says it can’t play the sound so I need to restart it. I figured out I have integrated sound but I don’t understand what I need to do to play the game.

  7. Victoria Zenner says:

    Ive done everything for the sound issues for this game and it is still popping up and will not allow me to play, is there anything else that can help with this?

  8. Stefanie D says:

    I cannot get the setup.exe file to work. When I click on it, there is the pop up, and I click ok, but nothing happens. Help!

  9. Anna says:

    I’ve gone through all the instructions and still have the sound issue which refuses to let me play. I’m not about to buy an external USB soundcard for my pc to play one outdated game, it’s ridiculous! refund!

  10. Jennifer says:

    I have installed the StFDSetup, and followed the steps for setting up the installer. However after I hit Finish on the Setup it doesn’t launch the installer. I even went to and tried to launch it from the file in Program Files with the Setup application like the install video said. It just tires to load for a second and then doesn’t open anything. I have a ASUS laptop with Windows 10.

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Jennifer! If you’re still encountering issues, please email us at, and we can assist you further. Thanks!

      • Jennifer says:

        Never mind I fixed it my self, thanks anyway! Anyone who is having the same problem what I did was went to the task manager and ended the task for the setups that were running in the background. Then, I turned off my antivirus and restarted my computer. Then I ran Setup.exe from the game file under Program Files Nancy Drew and after waiting a LONG time it finally worked. Hope this helps other people having the same problems! Game on!

  11. Mary Stalcup says:

    I have managed to complete the first part successfully but have not been able to get the second part to start despite following the aforementioned steps and waiting almost an hour for it to start. What am I doing wrong?

  12. Angela Beres says:

    Purchased digital download of stay tuned for danger,nothing but problems, emailed support, got phone # for tech support, have called all day! They are supposed to be there 11 – 4:00, very bad customer service!

  13. EmmaJuen says:

    It’s telling me I need to insert a disc.

  14. Carol Copp says:

    Can I download for Vista? Will new Salem game be usable by Vista? Carol

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hello, Carol! Yes, you can play Stay Tuned for Danger on Vista. As for Midnight in Salem, it should be, but we will let you know for sure as we get more information that we can share. If you’ve followed these instructions for installation and you’re still encountering problems, please email us at -Tess

  15. Andrew Feldkamp says:

    Buyer beware, this game will likely be unplayable! Though if you’re on this page it’s probably too late for you too.

    I have already contacted techsupport and customerservice. Suggesting that your customers purchase additional hardware to work around a bug in your software is an insult to your loyal fans. Please release a version that works!

  16. Matt says:

    Install a virtual sound driver for sound error.

  17. darlene says:

    hi there, cane this game play on Vista?

  18. Elizabeth says:

    How come the play screen is so tiny? Is there a way to fix this?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Elizabeth! The answer to this depends on a few different factors. If this is still happening, go ahead and email us at Be sure to also provide information on:
      –what game(s) you’re trying to play,
      –where you purchased the game(s) from (e.g. from the HeR Interactive website, Steam, a retail store, etc.),
      –whether the game is a physical disc or digital download,
      –and the operating system you’re using (i.e. Windows 7/8/8.1/10, Mac Yosemite 10.10.1-10.10.5+, El Capitan 10.11).
      Thanks! -Tess

  19. Markus says:

    Dear Nancy,

    i had the Sound Error “Nancy Drew is unable to play sound for you…” with Onboard Sound and Win10.

    On my System, it works with the Software “Virtual Audio Cable”. Just had to unplug and replug the audio-plug after installation.

    No need to buy an USB Soundcard.

    Nancy, you do a real good Job, and i know that you need our Bugs to do so. But next time less trouble?

    Your´s Markus

  20. Alex Mclean says:


    My wife really wanted to play this game,
    however it would not start due to a popup
    regarding the sound.

    If you don’t mind playing it without sound try these steps:

    Navigate to the where it asked you to install nancy drew(try C:\Program Files (x86)\STFD\), right click on the game.ini(the game file that DOES NOT have the nancy drew icon), go to security tab, then press the button “edit”, from there you should see a screen with a list which you should find “Users” in the list, click on that, then check the box that says “full control” under allow. then click “OK” twice.

    Finally right click on the GAME.ini(the game file that DOES NOT have the nancy drew icon) then click edit(it should open with notepad)

    Find: SoundSystemIsActive=1
    and change the 1 to a 0

    Save the file, then right click on the GAME.exe(the game file WITH the nancy drew icon) and go to “Compatibility” tab and check the “Run as administrator” box.

    then click ok, and your game should now run, however without sound.


  21. Kate says:

    HELP! It keeps saying “Insert CD1 or click exit”

  22. Stephanie says:

    Try this on windows 10 for the sound problem and INI Error or CAL/CIFTREE Error. Worked for us.

  23. It tells me to “Please insert disk”
    I do not have one seeing as how I purchased the downloadable version. How do I fix this?

  24. Chris says:

    I was also getting the sound error until I plugged and used my usb headset.

  25. Theresa Simmons says:

    I purchased the DVD of this game, prior to these instructions being available. Do I have to purchase the game, again, for this method to work, or can I used the game I’ve already purchased?

  26. Becky says:

    Hi, I’ve followed these instructions and installed the game a total of three times. But every time I save the game and close it, I have to reinstall the game each time I try to open it. It’s not allowing me to load my previous game, meaning I’ve had to replay the same chunk of game 3 times! At this rate I’ll never finish. Am I doing something wrong? I’ve watched the video and followed along. I’m really starting to get frustrated, & really disappointed in this game.

  27. Brittany Bettencourt says:

    So ive wrote the people at herinteractive for two days now, they havent answered or replied to me. but i purchased the downloadable version of this game and at first it was having a issue of jus getting the setup screen to come on. but once i figured my way around that by myself, now its saying that my computer isnt compatible for it…………………………………………………………… i have a WINDOWS 10!!!!!!!! i thought they redid the game so it can be played on newer operating systems… sooooooo upset. can you guys jus come out with midnight to salem already..!!!!!!

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Brittany! I’m sorry for your frustration. We have not been in the office until today since we were on Christmas break. We will get back to your email as soon as we are caught up, I promise. In the meantime, have you watched the installation video or read the old games FAQ post about installing on Windows 10?

    • Kevin says:

      Hey Brittany, how did you get around the setup not coming up? I have the same problem. As for the compatibility, search in the windows bar for “Programs made for older versions of windows”. Find the game, and then do the tests it says to do. Anyway, please answer my question asap.

  28. melissa says:

    I have done every step, but when i go to get into the game it comes up with an error of incorrect path to INI file what does this mean?

  29. Rosie says:

    So I set up the game and I can play it up until Nancy has to take a cab to the studio. Then the game shuts down.

    It says Unable to create file c:\program files (x86)\stfd\CONSTD.SAV

    followed by Runtime Error
    Program: C:\Program Files (x86)\STFD\Game.exe
    abnormal program termination.

    I don’t know what any of it means but is there a way to fix it?

  30. Olivia Braga says:

    How do I fix the sound if I’m playing from a laptop?

  31. Jess says:

    Does anyone know if this re-release can be run on an HP laptop running Windows 10? The install instructions seem geared towards desktop PC users. I only ask because I purchased and downloaded Phantom of Venice on this computer and the program refused to run under any compatibility settings.
    Does anyone have any experience running the game on a Windows 10 laptop and having it function properly or not work?

  32. Gayle Jenkins says:

    The instruction video really helps when you follow along carefully. I am now ready to play this game. Is it ready for me?

  33. Nikki says:

    Hey, Little Jackalope!

    First and foremost, thanks for all of your videos on this site; they make me laugh my butt off! You are simply adorable!

    Secondly, I already emailed techsupport with my issues… my question is, will they be able to help me out by phone like I requested? I am technologically inept, and am worried about following their instructions.

    Thanks for the helpful video as well, even though I ended up getting the dreaded sound error! X(

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Aw, thanks, Nikki! I’m glad you enjoy the videos! 🙂 If you emailed techsupport, you’ll receive an email with instructions on return. If those instructions don’t make sense, feel free to contact us during business hours! Our number is on our Contact page. 😉

  34. Mileah says:

    Ok, so I got beyond the sound thing and now it’s asking me to insert disk 1. Help!

  35. Alycia says:

    This was super helpful, thank you so much!!

  36. vc says:

    I did everything suggested. now i have an error that said something about my windows 10 not being able to play game on display mode.

  37. syrin says:

    so when i right clicked and clicked on properties I could not find compatibility. All it showed on the top was general sharing security previous versions and customize. Is that it under any of those (I have a windows 10 by the way)I have already emailed tech support but do i need one on one help here

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hello Syrin, was tech support unhelpful? They can help you with instructions and trouble shooting.

  38. Kaylee says:

    Can I ask why does this game need the external sound card to work? I’m just a little frustrated that I purchased the game unaware that it had these issues and now I have to wait to play until the sound card comes in the mail. Why does it make a difference? Will it matter which sound card I purchase?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Kaylee, this game is really old and is tricky to get to work on newer machines. There is a workaround though, if you go to the web page for Stay Tuned for Danger, there is a video link for instructions on installing. If you still have trouble, please email us at Thank you!

  39. kirsten says:

    hi i have windows 8.1 and i dont know how to do the volume thing please help

  40. kirst says:

    still haveing a hard time sigh wish it could happen for tablet to play on

  41. Sarah says:

    Hi, I’ve been having problems with my sound. A box comes up and says that “We have changed the way we play sound” and I have tried everything. I have a physical disk for Stay Tuned for Danger, and I can’t return the disk. I have a Windows 10 for HP computer system, and my speakers are the company Insignia (if that matters). And I have already watched the installation video and read the instructions for windows 10 and I still need help because this is frustrating.

  42. kaylee says:

    help! i install the game and it says the path was changed and couldnt be found but i never changed the file name what should i do ? i have to figure it out before i cant download the game anymore

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Kaylee! When installing, you need to tell it to save to a specific file folder – one you create yourself so that it can find itself. If the video instructions on the web page for Stay Tuned for Danger don’t help, please contact us at

  43. kaylee says:

    i also have emailed support and still heaard nothing its been 4 days!!!!!!!!!!

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Kaylee, I am sorry for the delayed response. We have limited tech support and are backed up on all the holiday emails. 🙁 Our team will get to it soon!

  44. Chey says:

    I too have recently tried to get this game for digital downloan. My problem is that the installation wont run. I’ve tried all the work arounds and tips from here and what feels like everything else on the web. If I hit the ‘SETUP” (mine doesn’t show as ‘setup.exe’ and im not sure if that’s the problem) literally NOTHING happens. Tried running in compatibility mode, still nothing. Ive tried to have nothing else up on my computer and anything else I can think of and I just cant even get to the actual installation. Tech Support hasn’t answered and its frustrating to not be able to play a game I actually purchased for the second time because I remember enjoying it so much. anyone have a suggestion while we wait for tech support?

  45. annedoe says:

    Does this work for the first, first game as well?

  46. annedoe says:

    I mean I have the discs not download

    • Little Jackalope says:

      We haven’t found it to consistently work with the original Secrets Can Kill, but when we know of a solution, we will certainly post it to the FAQs as well. 🙂

  47. Rebecca says:

    I downloaded the digital copy, followed all the instructions and then got the sound message. I downloaded the Virtual Audio Cable and that let me access the game but now it has no sound. Solutions?

    • Rebecca says:

      After installing the Virtual Audio Cable, it messed up the sound on my actual computer so I just didn’t have sound, so I had to disable it in order to have sound on my computer at all. So now I am back in square one with the sound error message. I am not going to buy a new sound card in order to play your game. If that is necessary I will be looking for a refund.

      • Little Jackalope says:

        Hello Rebecca, I’m sorry your sound was messed up on your computer. Is there a web site for that Virtual Audio Cable you installed? If so, do they have tech support or FAQ posts to refer to for installation and fixing help? If you think the installation worked, please contact us at so we can help check the installation steps for Stay Tuned for Danger. Thank you!

  48. Lindsay says:

    If you struggled with running the setup.exe (I have windows 10):

    Things I tried and finally got it to work (after doing the steps here):
    -After running in compatibility mode for many versions of windows for setup.exe (keep this troubleshooter window open)
    -Went to task manager > details > right click on setup.exe and click analyze wait chain
    -Ended the process it was waiting on
    -Clicked test again on the compatibility troubleshooter and it worked right away (at least I got the nancy drew pop up, need to wait a few minutes after this)

    • Emily says:

      You’re a legend – thank you so much from 2 years in the future!

    • Rebecca says:

      Holy Crap! Thank you so much! This fixed it for me! I am so excited!

    • Natalie says:

      Oh my word this is brilliant!! Thank you so, SO much! I was having trouble installing both STFD and SCK1 on my Windows 10 and this just allowed me to install both of them!!!!

    • TrueGingey says:

      I never thought that I would post on one of these things. I don’t know if you get a notification that someone replied to your post after all these years.

      I just need you to know that you are a true hero. The real MVP. The Goat. So much wasted time and research. HeR Interactive needs this on this info on their Install Tutorial Page.

    • Hello! If you are trying to follow through on this step, but nothing pops up in the analyze wait chain, turn off your User Account Control temporarily. At that point, there might be something in your analyze wait chain after trying again. Once you close it, you’ll have to try opening SETUP.EXE again (I know), but this time it should work. At least, it did for me.

    • Morgan says:

      Can we get an F in the chat for this absolute genius???

    • Alyssa says:

      Thank you Lindsay you are a lifesaver!!! (hello from 2023)

  49. Scott says:

    Since you’re apparently not producing any new PC games, are you going to fix “Stay Tuned for Danger” so it will run on a modern computer?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hello Scott! We found this workaround to work on Windows 10 – if you are trying to install it and it isn’t working Please contact us at In the meantime, we continue to work on the next Nancy Drew game – Midnight in Salem. At this time we do not want to divert the attention on this game to working on remastering the 1999 release of Stay Tuned for Danger.

  50. Lauren says:

    I have the disc game for Stay Tuned for Danger and followed the steps, but when I try to open the application I get an error pop-up window saying is the incorrect path to INI file?

  51. Win10 ND Fan says:

    For those with the sound problem on Windows 10, installing the free demo of Virtual Sound Card fixed it for me:

  52. Nancy Drew Fan #4 says:

    Hi everyone,

    Just a tip: Someone recommended installing a Virtual Sound Card emulator above and that works fine except with the free trial there is a voice that says Trial Version every 10 seconds unless you pay 20 bucks.

    Alternatively, if you have a desktop computer and a screen/monitor that has speakers built in you shouldn’t have this problem. Simply switch, in the volume control panel, to your Monitor/Screen speakers and the game will start up. You can also plug your green speaker cable into the back of your monitor and it will sound great (if you have this option).

    No need to buy a sound card or download additional software.

    Hope this helps a fellow sleuth or two out there.

  53. Nicole says:

    STFD has always worked well on my computer ( a windows 7) but now it has suddenly stopped. Whenever I try to play the screen goes black and a message says “Nancy drew is unable to play sound for you. We have changed the way we play our sound and now the game is shutting down.”
    I have absolutely no clue what to do as this game has always ran fine on my computer.

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Nicole! Has this workaround for installation fixed the problem? If not, please email us at so we can walk you through it and help you out more, thanks!

    • Carrie says:

      I was having the error about how the game has changed the way it plays sound and forcing an exit. I plugged in a USB headset instead of using regular speakers, and then the sound was just fine.

  54. Jeremy says:

    What if I’m getting the sound error message and I have an integrated sound card with sound running through my monitor using hdmi? Is there anyway to fix this error message without giving up one of my USB ports or buying a sound card and taking up a pci slot that I need for other things?

  55. Matthew Curiale says:

    I have the disc version of the game but every time I click to install nothing comes up please help

  56. Jordan Stewart says:

    It is the only game in the bundle that I am having a hard time downloading. My Computer runs Windows 11. Will they fix this so I can run it on 11 soon?

  57. Blakely says:

    In case anyone is purchasing in 2024….all you need to do to fix the sound issue is plug a set of headphones into the pink hole (mic port) in the back of your monitor. The game started right up for me and sound came through my speakers.

  58. Ace says:

    I keep installing it based on the instructions but after responding to the do you accept changes made nothing happens and nothing opens send help. I just want to play the game 🙁

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