The Haunted Carousel, Day 1

Tonight’s the night! Tune in to our Twitch channel to watch me and Tess play the first day of The Haunted Carousel! You do not need an account to watch the free stream, but to participate in the live chat and our contest (wink) you will need to create a free account. Our videos will be saved and uploaded to our YouTube channel later.


Also, fan Kendra watched last year’s intern, Ellie’s video on how to make a Fundae. She made it and shared some pictures with us!


Here’s the video she had watched; (I think it’s the perfect treat for the summer!)

-Little Jackalope

13 responses to “The Haunted Carousel, Day 1”

  1. Kit says:

    I’m still working on figuring out how to make those jammie cookie things from SPY.

  2. Nancy says:

    Looks delicious. I’m going to try that.

    Not related, but there is something wrong with the mini games. They say you can win digital prizes, but whenever I try to download them I just get a message from HeR saying “Page not Found”. What happened?

    That’s not all. “Nancy Drew Central” doesn’t work on my computer anymore. Instead it keeps telling me to ask you guys for help. So?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Nancy, the digital prizes were associated with our old web site. We are still trying to update the mini games to work on the newer web site.

      As for ND Central, check out our FAQ post on that for help. 🙂

      • Al says:

        :/ “still working on it”…that’s also what you guys say about MID. But, the website was switched years ago, and you guys are “still working on” like changing a few links for some already completed minigames? Is y’alls definition of “still working on it”, “not working on it and not planning to but it’s not literally impossible that we could someday again” because that’s really stretching the truth. I don’t personally really care about the minigames, just annoyed since this comment shows how little “still working on MID” could mean. Also I’m not trying to attack LJ because I’m sure she’s told to say stuff like that, but I’m just annoyed with HeR’s recent trend of telling half truths and, well, kinda treating the fans like idiots

      • Nancy says:

        Thx 🙂 Now, why does Warnings at Waverly keep deleting my SAVED game? I played it like a gazillion times, but still.

  3. alexa gaudet says:

    hi everyone I’m alexa

    • StarWarsLover says:

      Hi Alexa! Are you new to the forum? If so, welcome! You have officially joined the League of Nancy Drew Nerds! 😉

  4. Sarah says:

    Hi LJ!

    Almost a year ago, HeR put out an “August Letter to the Fans” that let us know about the Unity shift and the MID delay. Then the “December Letter to the Fans” let us know about Codes & Clues. Can we expect another “Letter to the Fans” anytime soon? It’s been a while!

  5. Nicole Vacca says:

    Hi LJ,

    I just wanted to commend and encourage you to keep up the good work. Digital marketing is tough, especially when your audience is overeager for the next big thing to happen, but thank you for keeping your head up and patiently answering fans’ questions. Ultimately Her doesn’t owe us an explanation–nobody preordered MID, so it’s not like we’ve been cheated out of anything. If it’s meant to be, the game will arrive when it arrives. I’ve been a fan for the past 13 years, and while I do miss the “good old days” and the excitement of having 2 games per year, I can understand that the times are changing and if companies like Her want to stay afloat, they need to put the work in to stay relevant.

    Please just make sure we don’t lose the identity of who Nancy is and who Herinteractive is (or was) in the process. Don’t compromise who you are to keep the people happy and to be on the cutting edge of gaming. Nancy Drew has always been a bit niche, and we’ve liked it all the more for that.


    • felicity18 says:

      I totally agree with you. Even though I have to admit that waiting patiently for Midnight in Salem has been hard, I also realize that it will come out when the time is right. I’m hoping that the game will be released this year. Shout out to LJ for answering all of our questions about Midnight in Salem. You rock LJ!


    • Elizabeth Riepenhoff says:

      You are a wonderful person! 🙂

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