Day 3 Twitch: TRN

We are having our Twitch party tonight! There’s a chance we may finish it tonight and not even need to play tomorrow night, just a head’s up. 😉 Anyways, hope to see you there! Follow us and watch live at

We have Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon on Sale for today and tomorrow!

Also, today is Thursday! Throwback to when we imagined the swan moving… haha. If you don’t have Message in a Haunted Mansion or know of someone who needs to play it, you can get the digital download for 50% today only using promo code MHM50 at checkout. (Shop here.)

-Little Jackalope

11 responses to “Day 3 Twitch: TRN”

  1. Jiloa says:

    So since MID has been outsourced is that he reason I don’t have any info?

  2. Lydia says:

    I’m turning 15 on Saturday, could you please give me a birthday shout-out?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Lydia! Certainly, but I’m sorry it was delayed — I was out of the office on Saturday and didn’t see this request until today.

  3. Hayden says:

    Hi lj do you collect the Nancy Drew and hardy boys books because I want to get all the books series of both of them and if you have some books of these series can you tell me thanks

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Hayden! I do collect the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys books. I have all of them, but I continue to look for different editions and illustrated prints.

  4. Lily says:

    nancy drew games really cheer me up after seeing trump become president :/

  5. StarWarsLover says:

    That swan bugged me so bad because I thought I was crazy! I would call over my sister and then it never moved again! Arrghgh! 🙂

  6. George says:

    When was MID originally outsourced?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi again, George. I don’t have any information to share on the production of Midnight in Salem, sorry!

  7. Hayden says:

    Hi lj in minecraft I’m building her interractive

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