Happy Halloween 2017

Today we finished playing Nancy Drew: Ghost of Thornton Hall LIVE on Twitch! In case you missed the party, you can watch in on YouTube.

Today we have a one-day Halloween sale. Shop here!

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Halloween Sale

We have a nicely decorated office for the holiday:

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Office

Also, if you like history and old tales, I re-narrate the ghost tour from the Nancy Drew 2017 Haunted Maine Convention:

May you have a safe, fun Halloween! Don’t be canoodling with ghosts!

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Halloween Greeting

-Little Jackalope

35 responses to “Happy Halloween 2017”

  1. Nora says:

    Do you have any more updates on MID? Is it really happening?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Nora, sorry, I do not have any updates on MID at this time.

    • SL says:

      Nora, MID is not happening. It’s the only explanation for the lack of updates in the last year.

      • Little Jackalope says:

        Hi SL, the correct answer is that we are working on it. We have not cancelled the game.

        • Gnillet says:

          I just want to respectfully express my disappointment that six months later, the leaders are still apparently editing this update that was mentioned back in May. (And it has been over a year now without an update of any sort.) If I may ask, what is the status of the update? Surely it has been edited by now! The leaders have been doing so for the past six months.

          • Little Jackalope says:

            Hello again, Gnillet. I’m sorry that I do not have that update to share with you. I’m not sure what the status of that is, but once I know, I will be sharing it.

          • Gnillet says:

            Okay, thank you for being patient with my questions.

        • Gnillet says:

          Never mind, I just noticed your response to Dany below. But six months of editing . . . can the leaders explain to you why it’s taking them so long to edit it? There can’t be THAT many spelling and grammar mistakes . . .

          • Little Jackalope says:

            Hello Gnillet, it is not a matter of grammar, it’s a matter of the content. I do not have an update for you on the status of this, but once I know more, I will share it with you.

          • Jackson says:

            If it takes six months to edit a letter to fans, than it will take a century to get an entire game 🙁

          • Little Jackalope says:

            Hi Jackson, the team members who write the letter are not the same team members who are working on the art or programming of the game. The letter would come from the leaders.

          • Gnillet says:

            Lol, Jackson, I was thinking the same.

  2. Liz Gottlieb says:

    Happy Halloween!
    How many entries did you have for the costume contest?

  3. Joshua Millhouse says:

    My great grandma passed away yesterday, and can you pray for me and my family?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Oh I’m so sorry! Yes indeed!

      • felicity18 says:

        My grandmother died recently too. Its the reason why I couldn’t be at the last Twitch Party.

        I’m so sorry for your loss Joshua you have my condolences. I will pray for you and your family too. Just take it one day at a time and it does get better.


  4. Dany says:

    So last October the latest “Letter to the Fans” was released. Now that it’s been a year since we had any official news, might it now be a good time for that official update we were promised several months ago? You should at least release another letter, in my opinion, explaining where you’re at in the production…if it’s even being produced at all. We’re coming up on three years since SEA was released…

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Dany. I do remember the date that SEA was released. As of today, we do not have a new update to share. Once I receive one, I will be happy to share it with you.

      • Kathryn says:

        No offense, I understand HER is working on MID. However, this has been going on for almost 3 years and we still do not have any substantial information or updates rather than the usual “when we have more information we will tell you”.

        There has to be at least something to show us after 3 years?? I assume HER is still working on MID but did you guys sign a confidentiality agreement or something were you are unable to disclose anything to us? That would make sense then why information isn’t getting out

  5. nicole says:

    do you have an estimate of when you are going to announce the costume winners?

  6. nicole says:

    can u guys do the last train to blue moon canyon next for twitch???

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Nicole, that game will not be next since we have already streamed it. Once we have played all the games live, we will replay them. 🙂 You can watch the replays of last Train to Blue Moon Canyon on our YouTube Channel.

  7. Mak says:

    Hi LJ, I don’t have social media so I emailed my costume entry but I never saw it posted. Is there any way to know if my email was received or not?
    Thanks 🙂

  8. Alex says:

    Why do you guys keep saying MID is going to come out when it’s obviously not? :/

    • Little Jackalope says:

      We keep saying we are working on it. We do not have a release date set yet. The web page says “Coming soon”.

      • Anonymous says:

        I don’t see anywhere where the MID web page says “coming soon.” On the web page it says, “TBD,” which means “to be determined.”

        • Little Jackalope says:

          Sorry about that, Anonymous. I stand corrected; in the Teaser video it says “Coming Soon.”

          • Anonymous says:

            Thank you, LJ. For a minute there I was getting excited thinking that the web-page information had changed.

            We do appreciate your being here for us to answer our questions on the blog.

    • Sophia K. R. A. says:

      Question: How do you know that it’s not coming out? Just because it’s been delayed does not mean it has been cancelled… All you could possible know is what they’ve told us. And what they’ve told us is that it IS being worked on.

  9. Claire says:

    Great video about the ghost tour. The Boon Lighthouse story was scary!

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