20th Anniversary DVD Inserts!

Hey all! In honor of the 20th anniversary of Nancy Drew games, I made a very special set of DVD inserts for each of the main Nancy Drew games. You can find these on each game web page, scroll down, and click on the “Downloads” tab, under the Print Outs section, look for “20th Anniversary DVD Insert” and click on it. Then right-mouse click the image and choose “Save Image As…” and save to your computer. Open it up to view it and print it out on 8.5″ by 11″ paper. I recommend thin/average weight glossy photo paper, but your average matte regular paper that you use to print out regular things is just fine, too.

I designed these to look like the vintage book stack menu, shown below, so that you can re-create the stack of books on your own bookshelf.

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Main Menu Book Stack

Here’s my few samples printed from the first three games:

You can buy empty DVD cases online and burn your digital games onto a spare blank CD or DVD if you wanted to.

For quick and easy picture grabbing, I added all the quick links here in this list:

Once you have added these to your cases, please take some pictures and share on our social media pages! We’d love to see how you display your collection!

Also, tonight we begin our 20th Anniversary party LIVE on Twitch! We’ll be giving away prizes and will be playing the original Secrets Can Kill! Join the party here.

Nancy Drew mystery adventure games twitch party

While the original Secrets Can Kill has a hard time working on the latest operating machines, we no longer offer it for sale. However, we do have a remastered edition that works on both PC/Mac and the latest operating systems. Secrets Can Kill REMASTERED is on sale this weekend, starting today, for 75% off! Shop here.

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Game Anniversary Sale

-Little Jackalope

Posted in: Blogs, Books, Nancy Drew

17 responses to “20th Anniversary DVD Inserts!”

  1. Huw Miller says:

    I LOVE these inserts! Would you happen to have the inserts for both the Dossier games AND the original insert for Secrets Can Kill? Not the one with the person looking behind the books, but the one with Nancy’s silhouette in Aunt Eloise’s house? I would love to have that one. Thanks!

  2. Blackrose1984 says:

    I’m so happy your playing this game it brings back such good memories of me and my younger brother playing the games together. Thank you for making such awesome games. Happy 20th Anniversary!!

  3. I have these all over my office at work, I should get these new ones!!!!!!!!

  4. Anonymous says:

    These email inserts are great! Thank you, LJ. Much appreciated.

  5. Devanie says:

    Are there instructions for burning digital downloads to a disk? Would this also work for a game I have installed but no longer have the disk (CAP and ASH)?

    These covers are great!!

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Glad you like these covers, Devanie! I don’t think we have instructions for burning the digital downloads. After you download the files to your computer, put a blank DVD in your drive (make sure the disc is large enough to hold all the files) and simply copy them onto the disc. Follow along with whatever the computer prompts you with. If you need additional help, please contact us at techsupport@herinteractive.com.

  6. Sakura says:

    Well I be swan, these DVD cases are the bees knees for my new shelf, just what I need! Thanks LJ!

  7. Hunter says:

    This is sooo cool!

  8. Rachel says:

    What size do you print them in

  9. Nancy Thurston says:

    These are wonderful! Thank you so much for making them. Is there any chance you will be doing one for Midnight in Salem?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Nancy! The 20th anniversary for the Nancy Drew games was in 2018, so the dates wouldn’t be correct if I made a matching cover for MID. However, I will consider the re-design option in the near future. 🙂

  10. Brigette Golson says:

    Its 2023 and I tried to download the DVD COVER ART,but all I got was a downloading error that says “class not registered”. Are these DVD Covers no longer available? Do I need to do something to my laptop?? Thanks for your help!

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