Old Concept Art – The Creature

Hello detectives! While I am still on maternity leave today, I’m getting this blog post up. I’m writing from the past! (It’s actually November 9th when I write this post.) It’s a new year – and the year that Midnight in Salem is set to be released! Huzzah! I cannot say anything about the behind the behind-the-scenes work, unfortunately. And I cannot guarantee that I will be allowed to tease things out in a normal Amateur Sleuth blog fashion. But stay aware for the day we get to!

On a side note, I occasionally (as many of you know) get to snooping through our archives. On some occasion, I find art that is fun to share on some behind-the-scenes works in progress. This time, I stumbled upon concept illustrations of the Creature from The Captive Curse! Check out this first pass as the creature before it morphed into the design you know today:

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games The Captive Curse Creature Monster

This is the old concept illustration.

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games The Captive Curse Creature

The Creature, full illustration

We have a birthday or two to celebrate!!

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Fan BirthdayNancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Fan Birthday

-Little Jackalope

31 responses to “Old Concept Art – The Creature”

  1. Be Still my heart…. Thank you so much you guys! You remembered and I So want ND games for my birthday!

  2. Hali B says:

    This made my day!!! LJ thank you so much for sharing!! #happytears

  3. Jillion says:

    I was wondering if the Hardy boys would be just phone characters or will they actually be in the game? If they are actually going to be in the game why weren’t they announced with the other characters? Thanks!

  4. James says:

    I was wondering if the hardy boys were physically going to be in the game. If they are why weren’t they announced with the other characters a long time ago! Thanks!

  5. nicole says:

    is there going to be a twitch party this month?

  6. Kokokringlecat22 says:

    Love that concept art!! 🙂
    I also love that the pillows and mugs are available again! Will mousepads and pillowcases be back as well? I would like to get the Sonny Joon mousepad if it becomes available! 🙂

  7. Janice says:

    Congratulations on your new arrive I hope everything went well.

  8. staybeautiful2 says:

    Will you be able to play as the Hardy Boys in MID?

  9. Kathy Thompson says:

    Can’t wait for midnight in Salem

  10. Hi Jared, how are you? And thank you for my birthday shout out, it was fabulous I got a whole bunch Nancy Drew games and couple over stuff that is related to her! I just heard the new nancy drew unlocked contest it was awesome, I love Kyler! I have just played Secret of the Scarlet Hand and Haunted Carousel and love them, and I was wondering if I could hear the actress who play Joy and Joanna from those games, it’s amazing how they have totally different personalites!!!!

  11. And I also wanted to know when your birthday is? I got LJ and Tess’s on my calendar and I wanted to add your’s! My parents got me a Nancy Drew calendar!

  12. nicole says:

    could i get a birthday shout out for my sister, Jenna, on the 27 of January? she’s turning 16.
    it would also be great if you could add a picture from the silent spy.

  13. nicole says:

    could i get a birthday shout out for my sister, Jenna, on the 27th this month? it would be great if you could use a picture from the silent spy too.

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hello Nicole! I apologize for not seeing this earlier, I have just returned from maternity leave, I can certainly post a belated shout out – so sorry I missed it originally!

  14. Joni says:

    Do you know if another size of poster will be offered in the new store? I started collecting the size 20×24 and would like to finish out my collection in the same size. Thank you

  15. queenie says:

    Oh wow! Thank you for the birthday wishes! I wasn’t expecting that! 🙂

  16. Rachel Lawrence says:

    Hi! I was wondering if I could have a birthday shoutout on February 17th? My favorite game is CUR thank you so much!

  17. Izzy Narnia says:

    okay okay okay I got to ask……will we found out what Ned wanted to ask Nancy from the last game?!?!?!??! I HAVE TO KNOW!!!

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