The First MID Screenshots: Parry House

Happy Friday everyone! We have released our first 3D environment screenshots for Midnight in Salem! Here they are:

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Midnight in Salem Screenshot Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Midnight in Salem Screenshot

What do you think? And yes, this will be a day and night game. Meaning you will be playing both during the day time and during the night time. I cannot say how the passage of time happens, just yet, though. 🙂

Head’s up! Tomorrow (Saturday) we have a one-day sale for Warnings at Waverly Academy, a great game! Shop here and make sure to enter the promo code to get 50% off!

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games

-Little Jackalope

20 responses to “The First MID Screenshots: Parry House”

  1. Amy Christine says:

    Wow! The graphics are amazing! =D

  2. Courtney says:

    Those graphics look amazing!! I can’t wait for the game to be released!! 🙂

  3. Awesome Screenshots, I love it so sunny so spooky looking and I cannot wait to play this game!

  4. Anonymous says:

    They look amazing!! The kitchen especially! It reminds me strangely of the style of Sea of Darkness, in the culture center. Anyway I like it, thanks for sharing! I can’t wait for this game 🙂

  5. felicity18 says:

    Hey LJ!

    The screenshots for MID look awesome! I’m getting even more excited for the release of this game.

  6. Elizabeth Riepenhoff says:


  7. Sofia says:

    Wow! Looks great! Can’t wait for more information (and for game of course)

  8. Steph says:

    The game looks so beautiful. Well done guys.

  9. stefan says:

    Hey LJ, super excited for the game. Are these environments 100% finished? They look kinda bland especially the kitchen. I really hope you guys add some little things here and there that will give the room a little more character.

  10. Kokokringlecat22 says:

    The screenshots look amazing! They look so realistic! I can’t wait for MID to come out this year!! 🙂

  11. JP says:

    will there be more personal affects added in the house? It looks a little lonely in there :'( but thank you for the update!

  12. Guest says:

    Love this!! It’s looking like the wait will have been well worth it.

    Will we be seeing an official trailer with the new ND voice soon?

  13. Esha says:

    Hey LJ! 🙂

    Will MID be a full 3D environment like the demo or will it still be point and click like SEA? Perhaps some melding of both?

    You all are fab! 😀

  14. budford says:

    So Cool!!! This game is gonna be great!!! I can’t wait!!! =)

  15. Maddy Witt says:

    This looks fantastic! I’m so excited for the game now!

  16. Mary says:

    Literally counting down the days for MID, and seeing these screenshots is making me even more excited. Do you have any idea when we’re going to get the trailer?

  17. Who will be playing the new voice of Nancy, do you know yet?

  18. says:

    Alicia Cole is a highly qualified attorney who left the big city to work with the soon-to-be-retired Judge Danforth. She loves the area and finds the smaller town environment more to her liking. However, in Salem, she must learn to deal with the occasional ‘she put a spell on me!’ case, especially behind the backdrop of a community that hasn’t come to terms with its dark and haunting past. Have the residents’ superstitions influenced Alicia’s judgment or do her ambitions run deeper than she lets on?

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