Cookie Contest 2020 and the Hardy Boys

Hello again, sleuths! Today we start the great cookie decorating contest! Learn more about the rules here!

Nancy Drew Cookie Contest

Also, have you heard? The streaming service Hulu is launching a new Hardy Boys series! Have you seen the trailer? I find the age difference of the boys interesting–Frank is 16 and Joe is 12, I believe. What do you think? Are you going to watch the show?

Just like with Nancy Drew, fans have an idea of what they think the Hardy Boys should look or act like. How do you envision your favorite version of the Hardy Boys?

Our versions of the Hardy Boys were recently in Nancy Drew: Midnight in Salem! Have you seen the Behind-the-Scenes videos on YouTube with them yet? Watch it here.

Random trivia: Disney made a short series of the Hardy Boys waaaay back in the day for theaters. Before the main movie played, Disney would show a short part of the mini-series for the Hardy Boys, and you wouldn’t know what happened unless you came back to the movies the next week to see the next episode. It was in black and white. I remember watching these on VHS tapes from the local library. The Hardys were a LOT younger, around 7-11 years old.

Then there is the ever-popular 1970s show with Parker Stevenson as Frank Hardy and Shaun Cassidy as Joe Hardy. A few years ago, I got to meet Parker and Pamela Sue Martin who played Nancy Drew. I kind of nerded out…


-Little Jackalope (Calina)

13 responses to “Cookie Contest 2020 and the Hardy Boys”

  1. hamster7001 says:

    Hey LJ! Just wondering if there were any plans for another twitch stream in the near-ish future?

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hello! We do not have any Twitch parties planned on the calendar for the near future, but maybe someday soon again, we will!

  2. Huw Miller says:

    I was at the Calgary Comic Expo a few years ago and someone was selling the Hardy Boys series by Disney on DVD. It was like $10, I’m still kicking myself that I never bought it.

  3. Anonymous says:

    That’s so cool that you got to meet them! I really enjoy that series. It’s one of the better adaptations in my opinion. Also yay! I can’t wait for the cookie contest! 🙂

  4. Finley says:

    I love that picture, LJ! Was it fun meeting them? I’ve always wanted to meet everyone at Her Interactive!

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Finley! It was really fun meeting them – ESPECIALLY Parker, who was a great storyteller and I got to sit corner-across from him at the convention dinner. He is really nice!

  5. I love Nancy Drew & The Hardy Boys and Disney! So awesome you got to meet them at the 2017 Nancy Drew Convention! Pamela Sue Martin is one of my favorite Nancy’s, her Dad was actually a high school friend of my Grandma’s so it’s really cool that I have a relative who kinda had a little connection to Pamela Sue so I would love to meet her in a convention someday and bring my Grandma’s yearbook to show her!

  6. Himeko says:

    My mom got me the 70s Hardy Boys Nancy Drew show. It’s something we share a love for. My Nancy Drew thing is technically all her fault and she knows it.
    I have a question about the games on Steam. A bunch of the players and I talk about the lack of Steam Achievements on Steam. We would love for some more of the newer games to have them as an option. Trading Cards for Badges would be awesome too. We’re all more than willing to play the Nancy Drew library on steam if the incentive is there. Who do we talk to about making that happen? I tried asking Steam but they said it’s up to the developers.

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hello Himeko! This is indeed something our development team would have to work on. I will share the request with them. 🙂

  7. Me says:

    Just a quick question, can we expect any communication on behalf of the company leadership in regards to the disappointment of the newest game and perhaps news on any upcoming games? And by news I mean in regards to if the new platform will continue to ve used despite the extremely negative reviews or if the company will go back to the better functioning and higher rated point-and-click platform.

    It would be advantageous for the CEO to recognize the failure and keep the customers updated on any effort to mitigate the negative results going forward.

    The entire face of the company has changed and the leadership obviously won’t care but it is definitely a disappointment. Didn’t seem to be a very sound decision from a business standpoint either.

    Apologies for the speech, I do just want to basically know if we can hope for the old platform and for the new one to go away for any possible future games.

  8. Julie says:

    You guys said after MID you were going back to your regular schedule of two a year, but it’s been over a year since MID came out and we haven’t even heard a single bit of news about a new game. What is going on? Your customers and fans would appreciate an update.

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hello Julie, we said we hoped to return to two games a year. The next game will not take 4 or 5 years to finish, but once we have news to share, we will!

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