Cookie 2020 Winners!

The 2020 Holiday Cookie Contest winners have been announced! Yet again, the many participants impressed us and made the voting process very difficult to narrow down to only a few winners. Therefore, we posted some honorable mentions. Check them all out on our contest page!

Nancy Drew Mystery Adventure Games Holiday 2020 Cookie Contest Winners

Also, we have a birthday to celebrate!

-Little Jackalope (Calina Herman)

11 responses to “Cookie 2020 Winners!”

  1. Thank you LJ and every at Herinteractive!!!! I love the shout out, I love the Silent Spy!!!

  2. Sorry I was unable to participate in the cookie decorating contest I was busy a lot during the holidays and our oven died!

  3. Emerald says:

    The last entry also says number 1 as well as the first. Maybe it should be fixed?(;

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hello Emerald! There is only 1 position for the MID category, that’s why it is showing as #1 as well. 🙂

      • Emerald says:

        Oh, OK. Also is there any way we can reset the achievements in Midnight in Salem after we beat the game? Thanks.

  4. Finley says:

    Hi, LJ! I like the winners!
    Wasn’t @Mo_Sisters3 the same person that won the Pumpkin Carving Contest in 2020?
    I just had felt it was slightly unfair that they won again.
    Thanks! 🙂

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Finley! If someone has won a past HeR Interactive contest, we don’t restrict them from the chance of winning again. We do try to be aware of past winners so as to give others a chance.

  5. Finley says:

    Also, happy Birthday, Jillian! I hope you had a awesome Nancy-Drew-Birthday!

  6. Emi says:

    These cookies were amazing ! Thank y’all at HeR for doing these contests!

  7. TC says:

    Congratulations to all the winners and participants! So much incredible talent I can’t even imagine. And to whoever did those sugar cookies of CRE, SAW and DDI – wow!

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