LJ’s Nancy Drew Collection

Hello Nancy Drew fans,

With our sale this month on the remaining physical games (when we made each game, we only made so many, so they are starting to sell out. Once they are gone, we don’t make anymore) I thought now would be a great time to share a little of my own collection.

I have been reading Nancy Drew books since 1996 and playing the games since 2000. My Nancy Drew collection has grown quite a bit since those first days with my favorite sleuth! My grandmother and mom gifted me my first books, and I have since completed my yellow spine collection.

More items have been added to my Nancy Drew collection, including board games, DVDs, other Nancy Drew books, keychains, coin purses, bags, posters, and other miscellaneous items.

Part of the fun of having a collection is looking for the items to add to it. I really enjoy shopping in used bookstores and antique shops, keeping my eye out for the brilliant yellow books or honing in on any section where old books are displayed, to see if there are any Nancy Drew editions I need or want. It’s a real treasure hunt, and it gives me a mission to seek these jewels in the cluttered shops.

What do you like to collect? What items do you hope to one day find and add to your collection of treasures? Share below in the comments, I’d love to hear!

-Little Jackalope (Calina Herman)

16 responses to “LJ’s Nancy Drew Collection”

  1. budford says:

    I have all of the games except secrets can kill remastered and midnight in Salem. and I have 7 of the Nancy drew books

  2. Emerald says:

    Hi LJ,

    Are you still working on getting the avatars for the message boards back? Will they be the same ones as before or different do you know? Thanks.

  3. Nice Nancy Drew Collection LJ! I have been a fan of the books since 2007 and a fan of the games since 2010! I have all the games but the books I’m still working on getting but I’m close to getting all of them, my goal is to get all of the original 56, so after I get all of those I want to get all of the books that the games are based on, I have a few of those but I want to get all of them.

    • Little Jackalope says:

      That’s a good long time to be collecting! I am also trying to collect the books that the games were based on or inspired by.

  4. I also like to collect Pop vinyl figures of all my favorite charecters, I’m still looking for a Nancy Drew pop figure, I’ve seen online that they have made up ones but I just haven’t seen an official one yet to buy but I really want to get one to put in my Nancy Drew Room because she’s my favorite detective, I have all the “Jaws pop vinyls because that’s my favorite horror movie and I have Sally pop vinyl, my favorite “Nightmare Before Christmas Charecter, my brother Tim and I even have the whole set of the “Scooby Doo” gang!

  5. Now will you still make a physical version and a digital version of game 34?

  6. Erin says:

    Hi LJ! I loved seeing your collection! It’s really neat! I have around 1,000 Nancy Drew and other vintage series books in my collection, and also many collectibles including a physical copy of every game! I also enjoy book hunting in used book and antique stores for books and collectibles to add to my collection. I have been collecting since I was nine and I started with the games and then got into the books. I am now 28 so I have been collecting for almost 20 years! -Erin, a fellow Nancy Drew collector 🙂

  7. karen says:

    on the flip side, my hubby’s mom gave me several old versions of the hard boy mysteries and I also managed to salvage some of the yellow Nancy Drew books from work. One is actual a multiple stories in one. I also have a similar set up with some older hardy boys books that I also salavaged. (yes I’m a book hoarder)

  8. karen says:

    I love collecting stuffed plushies from movies, anime, little figurines and I have one Rapunzel “barbie” and doll and Rapunzel on her boat with pascal. my husband used to get loot crate with Hello Kitty so I have assorted items. mainly I am a bit of a book hoarder, LOL.

    PS I posted a previous comment but it disappeared? (thanks!)

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Hi Karen! All comments go through moderation to make sure they are not spam. Your other comment did indeed go through, and I approved them. So you should be able to see it on the page now. 🙂 Also, those are fun collectibles, too!

  9. Anonymous says:

    I collect Nancy Drew books as well! I believe my collection is currently at 113 books but I am still far from having them all. I love going to antique shops, library sales, and garage sales to find the editions I collect. It is so fun to find different editions from different years and to study the evolution of the books from 1930 to today. The earliest ones I have are four of the blue tweed editions which are just stunning, but it is my dream to one day have a first edition of one of the books. What is the oldest edition you have? I see some beautiful ones on your top shelf in the image. I also have all of the games in a physical copy! I hope you continue to release new games physically because I love having them to collect! 🙂

    • Little Jackalope says:

      Wow! That’s a nice large collection! I think I have one or two first editions, or they might be second editions, of the blue books. But they are missing the dust jackets. 🙁

  10. Madi says:

    I love to collect the old Nancy Drew books, though it is tricky trying to find them… I love it when I find a really old looking one. The oldest one I have so far is The Clue in the Diary, I believe this copy might be from the 30s — it is blue with orange lettering and with Nancy’s silhouette in orange on the cover and on the inside has orange endpapers. There are also three glossy pictures, including the frontispiece, on the inside which I think are just super cool! The only sad thing is I don’t have a dust jacket for it, but it is in really good condition if it is that old. If anyone is interested there is a website that I have been using for a few years to figure out the which copies are from what time: http://www.nancydrewsleuth.com/

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